Lake Near Campsite

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"Y/N, hurry up!"

your friends called from the lake near your campsite. You and a group of friends, along with Niall, the rest of the boys and their friends were spending the weekend together on a camping trip. You hurriedly finished unpacking your bags and changed into your new bikini- wanting to impress your crush, Niall Horan, before leaving the tent and heading to the lake to join everyone. When you neared the group, all the guys except Niall started wolf whistling at you.

Not used to that much attention, you blushed and ignored them, wondering why Niall wouldn’t look at you and wore such an angry look on his face. Deciding not to let him bring you down, you spent the rest of your swim joking around with the rest of the guys.


When you guys finally got out of the water, one of the guys you had been hanging around with, Dave slung his arm casually across your shoulder. You noticed Niall was watching, and brushed Dave off playfully before realizing that the temperature had become really cold. Liam was walking nearby and noticed that you were shivering, so he quickly draped his towel across your back and hugged you close to help you warm up.

You caught Niall's eye slightly, before he stormed off into the forest seeming cranky about something. You turned to Liam.

"What’s wrong with Niall today? He seems extra moody."

Liam laughed.

"You don’t know?"

What was so funny? Some of your other friends who overheard the conversation started snickering.

"Am I missing something?"

you were upset. Liam looked at you sympathetically.

"Don’t worry Y/N, I’m sure Niall will be back to his usual self tonight."

You gave up trying to fish for answers.



You were all sitting around the campfire, with Niall sitting opposite you and not having spoken a word to you all day. He looked up at you and- in a sudden burst of confidence- you opened your mouth to speak to him but you were startled by a pair of arms clumsily snaking their way around your neck from behind. Niall turned away.

"Y/N baby,"

Dave slurred- clearly drunk.

"Truth or dare?"


you smirked. For once, you felt game.

"Take off your shirt."

Everyone was looking at you expectantly- everyone except Niall.

Maybe this will get his attention, you thought as you slowly removed your tank top- revealing the lacy red bra you had gotten as a gift for your birthday.

You winked at Niall. Two can play that game. The game continued for a few more rounds before it got back to you. You chose dare and awaited.

"I dare you and Niall to spend 7 minutes making out in the tent."


you stuttered, your cheeks flushing although you knew Niall didn’t like you in that way. He stood up with a conflicted expression on his face and lead the way to the tent.

Once you were inside the tent, you stumbled in the darkness and lost your footing. Niall, with his quick reflexes, caught your elbow right before you collapsed in a heap on the floor.


You breathed.

Remembering why you were in there, your heart rate quickened.

"U-uhm, so…"

you found his beautiful eyes in the darkness

"Y/N it’s okay- I get it"

He said. Oh no, you thought, he doesn’t like you back.

"You do?"

You tried to hide the sadness in your voice, but it cracked.

"Yeah I do. I know that you‘d rather be in here with someone like Dave or Liam, so as much as I’d like to kiss you right now, I won’t."

Wait what? You stood on your tiptoes and gripped his face with both hands.

"What are you talking about?"

You giggled. Was he crazy?

"I saw you with them today, they were flirting with you, making you laugh, touching you. Why are you laughing now?"

He huffed. Had he been jealous all day? Everything was making sense to you.

"Niall, I am laughing because all day I have been wondering what was wrong with you watching you, worrying about you, asking about you. And all because you were jealous"

You snorted,

"that I was ‘flirting’ with your friends?"

He still didn’t get it.

"Niall, I have had a crush on you forever and, quite frankly, I find it impossible to even imagine kissing anyone but you right now."

His eyes widened and you jumped up into his arms unexpectedly, causing you both to topple to the ground.

Your lips found his and he kissed you back feverishly. Your hands tangled themselves through his messy hair in an attempt to pull him impossibly closer to you. His mouth explored your jaw and he passionately kissed you down to your chest, while your hands toyed with the hem of his shirt. He nibbled on a spot on your chest, making you moan. He chuckled, removing his shirt.

"Will this happen every time you get jealous?"

You asked dreamily, running your fingernails up and down his torso.

"That depends, will you be my girlfriend?"

He asked huskily. Your lips attached themselves to his in response and he smiled into the kiss. You spent those 7 minutes, and the rest of the night, intertwined with Niall.


I think my body is gonna explode with all the pain :(

Anyways have a good day and don't forget ti vote, comment and share!

Lots Of Love

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