Indian Imagine

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Requested by __guess__
Personal Imagine



It is my best friend's wedding function and because the guy's side are Indian, she is having a traditional Hindu wedding. Its Sangeet today. I am dressed up in a traditional dress which is actually kinda fun! Since I am also an Indian. I loved how it looked on me and I just got ready at the hotel and made my way downstairs to the banquet hall to help out my best friend's mum.

My heels clicked on the wooden flooring as I rushed upstairs to check on Y/B/F. Because I was too busy helping out, I entered the first room I saw in hopes that it's her room. I opened the door to find Niall standing infront of a large mirror dressed in an Indian style suit which is called Kurta Shalwar with his back facing me. He groaned in frustration as he attempted to close the buttons.

"Oh come on!"

he exclaimed in annoyance, I giggled quietly at him and walked over stealthily and unnoticed. I tapped his shoulder and waited for him to turn around. He began speaking before turning around and his tone held a slight annoyance to it.

"Can you call Sharmista and tell her t-"

he stopped mid-sentence when he turned around.

A very quiet yet audible

"Woah" escaped his lips as he stared at me. I stepped forwards and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Stop daydreaming Irish and get downstairs"

I said softly. He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer, one of his hands letting go of mine to tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"You look beautiful"

he exclaimed in awe as he leaned in to kiss me.

At the last moment I turned my head, causing his lips to come in contact with my cheek. I looked up at him and he frowned at me, giving me the most adorable look ever.

"Horan come onnnnn"

I trailed off as I began to walk on the door. I felt a gentle tug on my wrist as he pulled me back.

"Babe...I can't go out like this...well as much as I want to, I don't think you'd like girls drooling over me"

he said playfully and I scoffed in response as I stepped closer. I reached for his buttons and began buttoning up the top inwards.

His hands made their way to my waist, loosely hanging on them. As soon as I finished buttoning up, he tightened his grip and pulled me closer.

"Princess, I think I should wear one of these everyday"

he said softly.

"What? Why...the material looks uncomfortable"

I stated confusingly, gazing into his eyes.

"Well.. at least you'll be this close to me everyday"

he whispered before crashing his lips onto mine. I responded by kissing him back. I felt a small bite on my bottom lip and I decided to tease him by pulling away.


I bought my lips to his ear and whispered.

"we'll carry on after the ceremony okay"

I said nothing more and gave him a wink as I walked away, going down to help with the Sangeet.



I was dressed in Indian traditional dress. It feels kinda weird. I make my way towards the hall to join others. I can hear Indian music playing and clanking of sticks which Sharmista told me are called Dandiyan. I enter the hall and start to look for Sharmista.

I start to walk towards the place where everyone is crowded. I make my way through the crowd and find a dance floor. My eyes lands on Sharmista. She is dancing and all her concentration is on the steps that she is doing.

I smile at the sight of her doing desi dancing. She spins around making her dress flares. Her left hand on her hip and right hand at the side of her head. Her hips thrusting up and down.

Her brown eyes meets with my blue ones and I feel thousands of butterflies setting free in my stomach. She moves and runs towards me.

"Come one Niall!" She says grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards dance floor. Uh. No. I can't dance.

"Sharmista no"

"Oh come on! Just move a bit"

she says smiling widely.

I gave up against her after seeing how happy she would be if I'll dance. I stand next to her and watch her dancing. Her hands moves towards her right and she does three claps and then does the same on left side. Then she spins around and everyone gathers around in a circle.

"What is happening?"

I ask confusedly.

"Its called Ludi. Just follow what everyone is doing"

she says while clapping her hands.

They all did some steps which were repeating. So it was kinda easy for me to pick.


I see Niall dancing and can't help but smile at how adorable he looks while trying to do it decently. I have to admit he looks so damn hot in the Kurta Shalwar. The music ends and I grabbed Niall by his wrist taking him off the dance floor to somewhere silent.

"Thanks Niall for coming with me."

"Its no problem. Actually I am kind of enjoying this. You know the dance"

He places his one hand at the side of his head and other on his hip thrusting up and down. Trying to do what I did back on the dance floor.

I laugh at his attempt. Him joining me.

"You're so cute"

I say in between the laughs.

"What am I? A bunny?"

He asks while pouting.

I kiss his pout and he smiles.

"You wanna eat?"

I ask

"Hell yeah! I am starving"

he says.

"Lets go! And maybe when we get back at the hotel I can reward you for coming with me today"

I say and a smirk playing on my lips.

"I'd love that"

he says as he grabs me by my waist towards him.


Wow! I did it.
Thanks for the request! I hope I did it right. Hope you liked it!
I might update another one ;)

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Lots Of Love

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