Hate Or Love? (Part 3)

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*Ring Ring*
I was sound asleep but my alarm clock doesn't like me having a good nice sleep. I shut my alarm and tried to get up. I am not a morning person. I absolutely hate to get up early. But damn this school. I enter the shower and let the warm water hit my skin and my minds relaxes. And as it does the events from last night starts to replay in your head. When we left our spot from abandoned building he insisted on walking me home. And I gave up against him. So he walked me home. He has never done it before why now? And then I caught him staring at me. Thrice. Why is he being creepy? Or is he trying to be nice?  Their are so many questions in my heads. I get out of shower and dress up. I head out to school. Ah school typical high school. You enter and you get that crazy aroma. And you feel conscious.
As I walk towards my locker I see the same scenes as always. Some boys fighting. One making out. Nerds talking about their studies and all. The populars judging everyone. As far as I know I am not involved in any group. I reach my locker and someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around to see my good friend Cora. Actually my only friend. She is very pretty and just perfect I dont even know why is she my friend. Maybe she gets me right.

"How have you been (y/n)?"

She asks me. Ah the day has just started who knows how I will be at the end.

"I am good. What about you Cora?"
I asked her.

"So good! You won't believe what happened! My dad bought me my favourite album! Oh my God I am so excited!"

She rants. Great. People are getting lucky and I am getting ugly. Simply ugly.

"That's great"

I say with my best excited tone.

"What's wrong? You seem down?"

She asked. Ah told ya she gets me.

"Nothing just school gets on my nerves"

I say sighing.

"Where were you last night? I stopped by yours to hang but you weren't there"

she asks me.

"You know just over to that building "

I reply. And her eyes went wide and now she grinning. Wait? Why?


She asks in a teasing tone.

"Umm yeah. You know we kinds share that spot"

I reply.

"Admit it you like him"

she slaps my arm in playfull manner and smile. Yes she is 100% sure that I have feeling for him that I like HIM. Like what? She is insane. Why would I have feelings for Niall. I hate him right?.

"Not again Cora. Please. I dont have feeling for him."

I say annoyed.

"I knew you would say that because you claim you have a crush on Louis."

She says.

"Exactly "

I say like that was obvious.

"So if there wasn't any Louis then you would have a crush on Niall?"

She asks. Why is she asking so many questions? What is it with her today? And when I think about her question I actually don't know the answer. Would I have grew feelings for Niall if there wasn't Louis?
Forget about it.

"But there is Louis. So what's the point in wasting my time."

I reply and we enter our first class.

As usual the class is boring. But there is one thing on my mind. Niall. And why is he on my mind? Why is he all of the sudden the one I am thinking about. I shouldnt. He messing with me even when he is not around. God! Its so hard being a teenager girl.


So people what about this?
I know I know its short. But I am having writer's block.
ughh I hate this.

don't forget to


Lots of Love

Niall Horan Imagines (ON HOLD) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora