"You're Not Alone"

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Everyone has those periods when they feel like complete utter shit, when you feel so alone

And yet when people are trying to help you when you just want to be left alone. All the things around you just became a little too much. Problems, worries and heavy emotions are being put away. Far away. Just so that it comes back twice as hard on the moments you least need it or even expect it. And right now, that moment had arrived.

Even though you’re trying to hide all the things you feel, the one and only person you trust the most is always noticing when you’re down, your mother. Even when you think she doesn’t know.

Then again, today was, like most days lately, the ones you simply just feel like ending yourself. Or at least makes you want to stay in bed all day and do nothing more than listening to some music.

Even the fact that four of your friends were coming over next week didn’t cheer you up. As in matter of fact, it only made you feel even worse, because one of those four handsome goofy guys was the one you were dreaming about at night. He was stuck in your mind all day and all night. He was the one you actually felt like he was listening to your problems. It didn’t matter how silly they were, he was always the one who was listening. And it felt good. It made you feel a little less miserable.  And still you couldn’t bring up the happiness about the plans of next week.

Perhaps it was because you knew that Niall Horan would never see you more as his best friend. You were more like brother and sister. Nothing more than that you were with the rest of the boys of One Direction.

“Come on, (y/n). What did I tell you?”

your mother said as soon as you entered the flower shop of your mother.

It was just beneath your house and the ideal place for you to work. Even though your mother insisted that you could have a day off considering your emotional state. ‘Cause like mothers do, they always notice when something’s wrong with their child.

A sigh rolled over your lips as you made your way to the shop.

“I just want to do something. Takes my mind of things.”

Was the only respond you gave your mother.

And with that she knew she couldn’t convince you to go back to bed and get some rest. You were a stubborn one after all.

Hours seemed to walk two times slower around the clock than usual. It started to annoy you. Maybe it was because you were constantly trying not to think of your problems. These thoughts were also affecting your concentration and your patience.

After an hour and a half, your mother started to notice that you were messing up the simplest tasks. And when it didn’t work like you wanted, you got all irritated and were close to crying.

But you held yourself strong, because the last thing you wanted to do was crying in front of your mother. She might know that you were feeling like crap, you didn’t want to bother her with your stuff.

So when another little task didn’t work out, you just angrily grabbed the broom from the corner and just started to clean up the fallen leaves and stems. It was something nobody could fuck up, right?


you swear as you bump into the counter.

You were so desperately trying to concentrate on the stupid broom that you forgot where you walked and bumped with you elbow against the edge of the counter. And again it had to take the greatest effort for you not to cry.

“Sweetheart, just take a break. It’s not that busy, I can handle it for now.”

Your mother tried again.

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