Hate Or Love? (Part 2)

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(Y/F/F/N) = Your Favourite Food Name.


After the class the rest of the day went pretty much the same and okay. I didn't see much of Niall and I was glad about it. But I did see a lot of Louis which I was extremely happy about.
After school I headed back home. I walk back my way because I don't know how to drive. And my mum is at the work at this moment. I dont mind walking back though. I reach my home and turn the door knob to enter it. A fimiliar scent all over the house made me relax. I took a shower. Changed into something comfy and ordered my favourite (y/f/f/n). Then started with my homework which was done by pretty much 5 to 6 o'clock and now I am free to do whatever the hell I want. I decide to go over Twitter. I see my friend Cora's tweet about some qoute she read which I don't understand so I avoided it. Then their was one from Louis. YES! He posted something! He posted a about the soccer(football) match he was watching. I spent some more time there going through hashtags and all. Nothing interesting. I sigh and get up from my spot on my bed and head towards the main door.

Slipping in my shoes and my jacket I head out. I start to walk towards my favourite place. It was a rooftop of an abandoned building. Creepy? For some people but not for me. I actually enjoyed being there. In complete silence and all. And  is a pretty good view from there. Its quite nice on windy day. Wind blowing and you sitting there while sun plans to set and everyone finishing their work and heading home. Everything going into the phase of ending their day. Pretty comforting for me. Watching everyone finish their day and heading home. And it wents silent. Ans as it does I plug in my earphones (head phones) and listen to my soothing music. It helps in relaxing. Right now I am doing the same. Sitting here alone. Wind blowing making my hair go in all directions. Light soothing music playing in my ears. Ahhh I love this.

Then I hear footsteps behind me. I dont turn around to see who it is because I know who exactly is he.
Niall James Horan.
Yes. We share this spot. He sits beside me and I don't turn to look at him. I am still mad at him for ruining my smooth conversation with Louis. Its all silent. Only sound that could be heard is the wind and the leaves on trees moving due to wind. We stay like this for 10 minutes. Silent.

"I am sorry you know (y/n)"

Niall said out of nowhere. Wait he is sorry?

"About what happened earlier with Louis. I didn't mean to ruin your moment. I just wanted to know how you were. Really."

He said. Oh. He is apologising for coming in between. Cool. Okay not cool.
I just nodded.

"You don't believe me do you?"

He asked. Yes I muttered to myself. And for him I just nodded.

"I dont know what else to do rather than apologising I mean I cant bring back that moment right"

he said again.


I said very slowly.

"Am I gonna be forgiven?"

He asked. I turn to look at him. His eyes are filled with guilt. Maybe he is really sorry. But why are his eyes so beautiful. What? Wait? What am i thinking?

"Are you gonna forgive me"

he asked again. Maybe I should accept his sorry.

"Whatever Horan."

I said turning my gaze straight. Though I did see the smile that spread on his face when he realised I forgave him. He's an idiot.

"Up for that Pizza? "

he asked with this huge smile. He always gets excited about food.

"Obviously! "

I replied. And he took a box from his side and kept it between us with two cans of coke. We started eating it as silence again took over with both of us looking straight.
It kind of our tradition. Mine and Niall's. I dont know how long we've been coming here at nights. But we always end up here together. And he always brings something to eat. This is my time with Niall that I look forward to. because it involve food. Free food. Haha. Either we are sad or happy we both sit here and eats our emotions away.

He isn't that of a bad guy. I mean I don't like it when he teases and makes fun of me. Or when he annoys me with his stupidity. Or when he comes in between in my matters. I don't hate him that much. He is a kind of nice person.
But he sometimes does stuff that makes me wanna hate him.
Like in 7th grade when he pulled my hair and pushed my books from my hand.
Or like in 4th grade when I wore my favourite t-shirt to school he made fun of it.
Or in 6th grade when he said I looked absolutely ridiculous on this school event.
His phones rings breaking  me from my thoughts.


he said and picked his phone.

"Yeah?" "Hmm" "Okay" "Cool" "Yes fine"

I heard him say these words. Must be his mom. Which reminds me that I should be heading back home. I take my phone out and check the time. Okay my mom will be home soon. I should move my butt now. Niall tucks his phone in his pocket and gets up and I do the same.

"We should go. My mom wants me home "

he said

"Yeah I should also go now. Mom will be home soon."

I told him. He nods and we both make our ways to our houses


God! I can't believe I will be starting college soon. Like very soon.
I am growing up! I DONT WANT TO! MAKE IT STOP!
*deep sighs*

don't forget to




Goodbye. Until next time ❤
Lots of love

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