Pumpkin Hunt

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“How about this one? It’s pretty big.”

Your boyfriend suggests, holding up a fairly large pumpkin.

“Too small.”

You mutter and continue your search. Niall groans.

“You’ve said that about each one Y/N. We’ve been here for hours.”

You turn to look at him.

“I’m sorry Niall, but I need a big pumpkin, like really really big. You don’t have to stay.”

You add on silently.

“No, no. Of course I’m staying, there is no way I’m leaving you alone,”

He says, taking your hand in his.

“Now let’s go look for your pumpkin.”

He smiles at you softly and you grin back widely. You walk all around the pumpkin patch for what feels like hours before you spot the pumpkin. You squeal, letting go of Niall's hand and race off towards the pumpkin. Niall’s footsteps echo after you as he calls your name but you’re too wrapped up in examining the pumpkin to notice.

“This is it Niall, this is the pumpkin!”

You scream out excitedly. He chuckles at you.

“This’ll be fun to get to the car.”

He mutters as he bends down to collect the pumpkin.

“Oh don’t complain, we get to go home now!”

He shakes his head.

“I still have to carry this monster all the way there.”

“I’ll help you.”

You suggest.


After lugging the monster home, you prop it up on the kitchen table and begin working. You reach your hand into the pumpkin and pull out piles and piles of pumpkin guts and seeds.

“Need help Y/N?”

Niall says.

“I’m fine, thanks though.” You smile. He walks over to you and puts his face incredibly close to yours.

“You have something on your face.”

He mutters.


He moves his finger across your face before settling on a spot.

“Right, there.”

He says whilst flicking pumpkin guts on your face.

“You did not.”

He grins.

“Payback for all the time we spent in the pumpkin patch.”

You reach out to grab a handful of pumpkin.

“You better run.”

He wastes no time as he makes a mad dash for the stairs. You chase him all around the house until you return to the kitchen. You corner him near the fridge and begin throwing pumpkin at him.


He screams.


You lower your hand.


He exclaims as he runs towards you, picking you up in his arms and throwing you onto the counter where he buries you in pumpkin. You giggle uncontrollably, your arms and legs flailing around, desperately trying to break free. You kick him quite hard, causing him to stumble and crash into the pumpkin you spent hours gutting. It crashes to the floor in a big, messy orange pile.


You scream, hopping off the counter.

“Three words Horan.”

“I love you?” He suggest weakly.

“You. Better. Run.”


Lol what? What even was this?
Just in case anyone of you was thinking those three words are "I am sorry"

Have a good day! And I am so tired. So hush. Sho.

Lots Of Love

Niall Horan Imagines (ON HOLD) Where stories live. Discover now