Hate Or Love (Part 5)

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*Next Day*

I wake up at the sound of my alarm clock which doesn't like me to sleep. I sit up in my bed and rub my eyes. And event of last night comes back in my mind.

I went to party. Got kissed by Niall. Niall fucking Horan. And after he kissed me he walked away leaving me there standing alone. After that I left the party and came back to my house. My mind keep saying he shouldn't have done that but a part me says that I liked it and felt right.
The truth is I enjoyed it. It felt good. I push those thoughts away and went to take a nice shower. I came out to see Cora sitting on my bed on her phone. I see her and remember that I left her there at the party. She notices me standing there.

"Oh you are here now. Why did you leave the party so early. I couldn't find you but then Micheal said he saw you leaving. What happened?"

She asks worriedly. 

I take a deep breathe and sit beside her.

"Um..Niall he um.."

I start to say.

"He what?"

she asks.


You say quickly.


She asks confused.

"I said Niall kissed me"

I say once again.


She practically jumps from her place and she is smiling. Why?

"What? Why are you smiling?"

I ask her

"What do you mean? It was meant to happen sooner or later"

she says.

"What do you mean?"

I ask. I am so confuses. What is she trying to say.

"Come on (y/n). He has liked you for so long and only you were obliviuos to it. He has a crush on you. Why do you think he tries to come close to you? And you. You are unaware of your own feelings. You obviously like him back. And don't say you don't. I know you do. You wanna know how I know this?"

She explains and asks me

I nod my head.

"Its always him. You cannot go even a single day without seeing or talking to him. Even if its just for a minute or two. He is the one who has always been there for you. Happy or sad. He is there. And you tell him things you dont even tell me. He is special for you. No matter how much you say to yourself that you hate him. You don't. Yes he annoys you but he is the one who is there when no one else is.You've had liked Niall all along (y/n) but in your mind you have set that you hate him but your heart. It knows that you like him. And as for the kiss. Did you kiss back? Did you liked the kiss?"

She says.

Shit this girl really understands me. She is explaining me things which i haven't realised and its all true.

"Yes i did"

I say and take a deep sigh.
She puts her hand on my shoulder and smiles.

"Figure your feelings babe. Don't let him get away."

She says and stands up. She walks towards the door to leave but she turn around

"Harry asked me out. And I said yes"

she smiled a toothy smile and left
I am happy for her. But what about me.

I lay down on bed to think about what she said.

Do I really have feelings for Niall.
Have I liked him all along just not realised. And he has a crush on me. This ugly potato. The events from before play in my mind. The time he walked me back. The time I caught him staring at me. The time he would come in between when I talked to Louis. The time he held love in his eyes for me. The time he made me stand close to him. The time he hesitated to answer the question about us dating.

Oh God it all makes sense. He really likes me.

But what about me. I have always pushed him away. I had always forced myself to hate him. But do I? The truth is I dont.
If I did then why did I liked everything he did last night. I liked when he kept his hand on my shoulder. I liked when he had a grip on my hand so we can get out of the kitchen. I didn't like it when his hand left the spot on my shoulder. I liked it when he kissed me.

Shit I have felt for someone I thought I never would.
I giggle when I admit to myself that I like him. I decide to tell him at school on Monday. And I giggle a little hard when I imagine his face when I will tell him. And now I start to notice him properly. I am staring at the ceiling but my mind is on Niall. His soft plump lips and how they felt over mine. His beautiful blue eye. His smile and laugh. His blonde hair and a little brown at the roots. I smile at the thoughts of Niall and I start to have butterflies in my stomach. For the first time in my life I want Monday to come fast and I am excited to go to school.


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Take care.
Lots Of Love

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