Chapter Fifty Three

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TUKA'S P.O.V *Few weeks later* Warning: This chapter has upsetting content

"Baby, you okay?" Justin whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist as I looked at myself in the mirror. Justin had an award show to go to and he insisted I should go. Not that I felt up to it, the amount of people that will be there. Plus this will be our first public event since the whole, wedding thing. "What if someone says something?" I mumbled, looking down at my dress once more. Justin sighed, shaking his head before standing in front of me. "No one will say anything, Ill be there okay? Just remember, one month okay?" He whispered, crashing his lips to mine, taking me by surprise. "Come on.." He whispered, taking hold of my hand before making his way downstairs. Everyone waited at the bottom, Pattie, Scooter and Fredo. "Finally.." Scooter joked, opening the door for all of us to walk to the car. Justin climbed into the middle between me and Pattie while Scooter and Fredo took the front. My nerves were all over the place, as if I knew something bad was going to happen. But it was probably the thought of having so many questions flown at me all at once, the media writing stuff about the huge bruise that was still plastered on my face. As I thought back to that terrible day, a loud screech from Pattie interupted my thoughts. Her eyes were lookign straight ahead, causing me and Justin to look in that direction. "Shit!" Scooter cursed trying his best to swerve out the way of the on coming car which was driving on the wrong side of the road. "Justin! "I cried, clutching onto his side, tears falling down my face as Scooter managed to swerve out the way, but the wrong way. The car started to roll down the hill, sending the car upside down. I kept my eyes on Justin, his body moving with the motion of the car as we rolled down the hill. The windows smashed as I smacked my head against the shattered glass, sending a shot of pain through my whole body. Justin's head flew backwards, smacking something hard in the back of the car. The seat belt cutting my stomach, Justin's chest. I saw Pattie's eyes flutter close as the car came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, beside a busy road by a mid-stop hotel. Lights flew past the car as I lifted my head slowly, Fredo looked back at me, blood pouring from his head as his eyes flickered between me and Justin. He turned to Scooter, patting his shoulder, waking him up. He climbed out the window along with Fredo, Scooter rushing to my side as Fredo ran to Pattie's.

My eyes found Justin's. He was weak, and in pain. I scanned down his body, seeing a huge piece of glass plummeted into his stomach. Tears ran down my face as I screamed out in horror. My body was pulled back out the window my Scooter, he laid me on the grass beside the road before running back in for Justin. "Justin!" I screamed, watching as Fredo tried his best to help. Pattie sat beside me, her head slightly scratched from the accident. "T-Tuka.." She whispered, running her hands over the top of my head, causing me to hiss at the contact. "Tuka your jacket!" Fredo shouted, motioning me to take it off. I moved my arms, trying my best to remove it but my shoulder was in too much pain. Pattie shuffled over, trying her best to help me. As soon as the jacket was removed, I ran over to Justin's side, hearing him struggle to breathe. Sirens filled my ears as I kept my eyes on his pale face, his hand reaching out to touch mine. I clutched onto his tightly, whispering sweet words into his ears as the paramedics made their way over. "Mrs Bieber we need you to take a step back please.." He pleaded, pushing me away from Justin's body. "No!" I screamed as Fredo held me back, taking me over to another man. "You need to get your head checked out Tuka please.." He whispered, setting me down on the ground as the man pocked and prodded at my head. I couldn't feel it, I couldn't feel anything because in that moment, I was numb.. All I could think about was Justin. "All sorted, you will need to go in to have your shoulder checked but that's it.." The man smiled, walking off over to where everyone else was, around Justin. "They're taking him in so, we need to go.." Fredo mumbled, picking me up in his arms carefully before walking over to the car the police had brought to them. He sat me in the back, making sure he was beside me while Scooter and Pattie took the other seats, a police officer taking the wheel. ------------------

We finally arrived in the hospital, turns out I just dislocated my shoulder, nothing big but I couldn't care less. We've been sat outside theatre for what seems like hours as the doctors tried to remove the piece of glass from Justin's stomach. It was a 50/50 chance that he could survive this. "Tuka?" I heard a small girl whimper, causing my head to snap towards the ground, Jazzy and Jaxon stood there, tears rushing down their face as their father was hugging Pattie, both of them breaking. They both hopped onto my legs, each of them hugging my side tightly, my stomach still hurting from the wounds not that I cared, if I could take Justin's pain away I'd do it in a flash. "B-Bieber will be okay?" Jaxon whispered, looking up at me with hopeful eyes. "I hope so.." I whispered, laying my head back as the thought of him going filled my head. He couldn't leave, he has so much to do. So many lives to save. It wasn't until the door creaked open that I realized I had got lost in my thoughts once again. Wiping away the tears that surrounded my eyes I looked up at the doctor, his face filled with sadness as he opened his mouth to speak, he was Justin's private doctor. "I.." He couldn't bring himself to speak, and that's when I lost it. I placed Jazzy and Jaxon onto the floor, my whole body shaking as I made my way to the theatre door, his lifeless body laying there, like he was almost sleeping. Tears ran down my face as my heart ached for him. I felt... Nothing, like everything I had, everything I was going to have was just taken. Pattie's screams and the kids cries filled my eyes, although they were blurred, I knew they were hurtful. Fredo's cry as his fist connected with the wall, my vision going blurry as my heart felt light. My world going black as I kept my eyes on my hero. He was gone. so was I.....

Tuka awoke that night, tears rushing down her face as she screamed out in pain, her brother Za rushed through her bedroom door, causing her to frown through the tears. "shh Tuka its okay..." He looked younger than she last imagined, 2 years younger to be exact. He was wearing the sweats he wore when Justin has first come round. "W-Where's Justin?" She stuttered, her confusion as to what's going on making her panic even more. "Justin? Justin isn't coming until later on.." Za chuckled at his sisters question, thinking she'd gone mad. "N-No Za! W-We were on our way out and... The car!" She cried even more, making Za more confused. "Tuka, You and Justin haven't met yet, what's got into you?" It was then it hit Tuka, that everything that had happened in her dream, which seemed like 2 years, was only 2-3 hours of sleep. "You've been sick lately, and Mark had..." He trailed off, wincing as he said the name. Tuka's eyes widened, as she realized she was back at home, all the hatred towards Justin, all the drama, none of that had happened yet. She cried even more, her brother trying his best to calm her down. "It was so real Za.." She whispered, shaking her head. "Sometimes we dream about the future... get some sleep okay?" He left her to drown herself in her own thoughts. Maybe this was a second chance, to try again? Make everything right? Maybe this was a chance to have the perfect start to hers and Justin's relationship like she'd always wanted. God was giving her another chance to try harder, better. Make sure everything went right this time. But what hurt her the most was the fact that, even though it was just a dream, even though it seemed so real, it would still take time for Justin to fall for her. Time for himself and her to make mistakes. But she'd do it all over again just for him. So that night she slept contently, dreaming about what the possibilities of tomorrow could bring her. Maybe this time, just this time.. She'd great him properly.

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