Chapter Thirty Five

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"He's cheating on you!" She shouted, making me stop in my tracks. I turned on my heals, so I was now facing her. "What?" I hissed, walking towards her. She was breathing heavy, tears running down her face. "He's cheating on you..." She whispered, looking down towards the floor. I felt tears run down my cheeks, my legs began to feel weak, like they'd give way at any moment. "How- No he wouldn't he-" I chocked, I couldn;t get anything out of my mouth that would make sense. I couldn't do anything apart from stare into space. Justin wouldn't cheat on me, he just wouldn't, I know he wouldn't. "He's been sending messages to other girls, including me, which is why I turned up today..." Selena mumbled, trying to explain herself. "I never thought you'd be here..." She whispered, walking over to me. I shook my head, "You knew I was dating him, why?" I cried, falling into her arms. "I never meant to hurt you, he told me that you were going back to see your dad, so it wouldn't of mattered, oh sweetie.." She cooed, stroking my hair softly. Maybe Selena wasn't as bad as I thought. You hear all these stories from fans that she's this, fame whore, only wanting fame and money, when she isn't. She's kind, caring. If she was a fame whore she wouldn't be here, comforting me right now, she'd be inside with Justin, trying to win him over. "T-Thank you for T-Telling me.." I stuttered, pulling away from her to wipe my eyes. "I just thought you needed to know.. I'm always here okay." She smiled, hugging me one more time before turning on her heels. "Just give him the send off he deserves.." She smirked playfully before walking down the street to catch a cab. Before I approach Justin, I need to make sure that I catch him first, make sure there is some evidence to him cheating, else if he hasn't? Ill look stupid, and I would have trusted someone who shouldn't be trusted at all. I walked back into the club, seeing Justin sat there playing on his phone in the VIP area. I rolled my eyes, walking up to the bar to order a drink. "You know, you really showed Selena who's boss back there.." I heard someone mumble. I look to my right to see Fredo sitting there, drink in hand as he mumbled to himself. "yeh well, someone had to show her right?" I joked, trying to seem as happy as I could. "There's something wrong, isn't there?" He mumbled, stroking my back sending shivers down my spine. "Selena mentioned something while I was outside, its nothing.." I shook my head, chuckling coldly. "Doesn't sound like nothing.." Fredo shrugged, taking a swig of his drink. "Do you think Justin is cheating on me?" I just blurted out, feeling the anger boil inside of me. Fredo seemed taken back at my question, placing his drink on the table. "He wouldn't do that.." He shook his head, standing up and handing out a hand for me. "Come on, Ill cheer you up."


After the whole scenario with Selena I decided to sit back in my seat, waiting for Tuka to come back inside. I scrolled through my twitter, pictures of Tuka and Selena outside popped up on the screen. I sighed, logging out before checking my messages.


She knows. Hope you're happy now.

What? I frowned, looking at the message for a while. Who knows what? I looked towards the door, watching Tuka walk through, she looked straight at me for a second, before making her way to the bar. I frowned even more, wondering what really went on outside. I watched her speak to Fredo, he was rubbing her back while she held her head in her hands. I was debating on whether or not to go over, to see if she's okay. But before I could remove myself from my seat, Fredo pulled her onto the dance floor, dancing stupidly and making funny faces as she laughed along. I rolled my eyes, feeling jealousy run through my body. 

To: Selena

Who knows what?!? You better not have done something stupid..

"Dude, everyone's going..." Za nudged me, causing me to stand up. I walked over to Fredo and Tuka, both of them laughing along. I smiled, grabbing hold on Tuka's hand before walking outside. "you know, Selena mumbled a few things while I was out here.." Tuka slurred, her body filled with alcohol. "Oh right, what did she say?" I laughed nervously, trying to get her into the car. "She said you were cheating on me.." She mumbled, looking down. I just shook my head, handing her a bottle of water before strapping her in. Once we were finally inside the hotel, it gave Tuka a few minuets to sober up. She hopped out the car, slamming the door shut before storming off upstairs. I sighed in frustration, knowing the real reason as to why she stormed off. "Better go up and save the day mate.." Fredo mumbled, patting my back. I walked through the hotel, making my way up to the hotel room. I opened the door to see Tuka packing her things. What? "Tuka, what are you doing?" I mumbled, following her around the room. "Leaving, what else do you do when your boyfriend has cheated?" She hissed, chucking stuff into her suitcase. "shit.." I whispered to myself, sitting on the bed. "Yeh, you thought I wouldn't find out? How could you!" She shouted, tears falling from her eyes. I gulped, running my hands through my hair. "I swear I-" she cut me of before I could even say anything. "Don't say you didn't mean it! Or that you're sorry! Justin I trusted you! For god sake!" She screamed, chucking my stuff everywhere. I didn't even stop her, I just sat there, tears running down my face. "I'm done Justin okay? Done! Forget I even came here.." She mumbled, grabbing her suitcase and storming out the room. I sat there for a moment, taking it all in. I did cheat, yes. But not the kind of cheating you'd think. I never kissed, or touched another woman, I simply messaged them. I know I'm in the wrong, which is why I never stopped Tuka trashing the place. Once it all sunk in, I kicked a few things around the room, before screaming into my hands. How could I have been so stupid? How?

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