Chapter Thirty

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I fluttered my eyes open, seeing Justin's arm wrapped securely around my waist. I smiled slightly, remembering everything from the night before. The passionate love making, the beautiful words passed between us. The 'I love you's. It honestly proved how much we actually love each other, how much we need each other. I removed Justin's arm from my waist, finding his shirt from the night before, chucking it on as well as underwear before making my way into the kitchen, making Justin breakfast in bed. Its the least I can do. He went into all this trouble just for me. I plated up our breakfast, placing it onto 2 trays before walking into the bedroom, I placed them on either side of the bed, before looking towards Justin. He looked so cute when he was asleep. I pulled out my phone, snapping a pick before posting it onto twitter.
@beliebatavons- Doesn't he look cute? #1Yeartiredness
I smiled widely, placing my phone on the side before crawling on top of Justin. I kissed his cheek, neck, jawline then finally his lips. He stirred underneath me, before fluttering his eyes open. "hello beautiful..." He smiled, is voice raspy. "I made you breakfast.. "I bit my lip, grabbing the tray before placing it infront of him. "mmm, thank you.." He mumbled, kissing my lips once more before tucking in. I walked over to my side, taking my plate before starting on my food.

She's so perfect right? I smiled, placing my tray in the middle of the bed. Tuka followed, rolling on her side so she could look at me. "I was thinking, maybe we could go out with the kids today?" She suggested, running her fingers up and down my arm. "that sounds nice.." I smiled, chucking my legs over the side of the bed, before finding some boxers and slipping them on. I grabbed the trays, taking them into the kitchen then cleaning them. "I'm going for a shower okay baby? "Tuka whispered, planting kisses over my bare back. "Of course princess, Ill go in after.." I whispered, turning around to kiss her lips once more. "One whole year." She mumbled to herself in disbelief. "I know, its weird, but more years to come.." I smirked, smacking her bum as she walked away. She gasped loudly, before giggling. I waited for her to finish in the shower, before taking once myself. We cleaned the hotel room, packing our stuff before walking down to the reception. I paid for the room, before taking our stuff to the car. The drive home was full of laughter, giggles and jokes. But when we got home, we realised the kids were getting dumped on us anyway. "Who wants to go to the zoo!" Tuka shouted as soon as she walked through the door. The kids screamed, rushing to get their shoes on. I rolled my eyes playfully, seeing how excited they were. Tuka was just as bad. She strapped the kids in the car before rushing into the passenger side. "Today's on me.." She smirked, punching my arm playfully. I just shook my head, driving off towards the zoo.
We've been here for over an hour, and basically seen everything. The kids were getting bored, and Tuka was getting tired. "How about we all go home and watch a movie?" I suggested, unlocking the car for everyone to get in. They all just groaned, climbing into the car. "Movie night it is.." 

TURN TO YOU~ Justin Bieber Love Story*completed*Where stories live. Discover now