Chapter Fifteen

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JUSTIN'S P.O.V *1 week later*(sorrryyyy)
Its been about a week since Selena jumped through the door. Tuka's been... Okay I guess. She hasn't really said a lot. But, then again I've hardly been around. I've been down the studio and on stage most of the time. But today? Today I have a day off because... Well? Its my birthday. yay for me right? Well, everyone seems to have forgotten. Its like they haven't even noticed, or gone onto twitter to see every one of my fans sending me a 'Happy Birthday'. What I don't understand is how they forgot. I don't care about present, or money. Just a simple 'Happy Birthday' Would be nice. I opened the door to the bedroom, drying myself off just as I got out the shower. Tuka wasn't in site. I sighed and sat myself on the bed, crumbling something beneath me. I pulled it from under me only to realise it was a note. 
I know I haven't said it yet but, Happy Birthday ;) You thought I forgot right? Well... No;) Make sure you're ready by 5, there will be a taxi outside waiting for you. ;)

Tuka <3 x*
I smirked slightly, placing the note onto the bed. Well, its already 4 now, so I chucked on some smart and casual clothes before fixing my hair. I waited for someone to knock on the door, to tell me the taxi is here. I honestly wonder what she's up to. Mr Bieber, your taxi is waiting.." The butler said, holding the door open for me. "Thanks.." I smiled, jumping into the cab. I looked out the window, watching all the city lights pass by, until we reached to a stop. "Though that door Mr Bieber.." The man mumbled, pointing to an old door. "Are you sure?" I asked, getting out the cab. "Tuka's orders, not mine.." He shrugged, driving off. I walked up to the door, opening it slightly. "SURPRISE!"

"Shhh! Guys he's here...." I whispered, getting everyone to be quiet. The door opened slightly and Justin's head popped round the door. "SURPRISE!" We all shouted, walking up to Justin. "Wow guys... "He whispered, looking around the room. "Hey, don't thank us... Thank Tuka.." Fredo mumbled, walking away. I wonder why he's got beef? "Baby this is amazing, thank you.." He whispered, kissing my lips passionately. "You're welcome... I even flew some people over...." I smiled, pointing over to the V.I.P corner. Well, the 'kids' corner. Jazzy and Jaxon flew over with Jeremy and Erin. "Oh, you!" He shouted, picking me up and carrying me over to them. "Hey guys!" HE smiled, pulling Jazzy and Jaxon onto his lap. "I haven't seen him smile this much in a long time.. Well done.." Jeremy nudged me, causing me to chuckle. "I do try.." I shrugged, watching Justin as he tickled Jaxon, causing him to squirm under his touch. "I'm glad he has you, you make him a whole lot happier than Selena did.." He smiled, ruffling up my hair. "Hey! not the hair..." I pouted playfully. We all chuckled and laughed for a while, until someone decided to crash the party. Guess who? Yeh, Selena. "I see you guys are having fun.." She smirked, sitting on Justin's lap. The kids ran off of Justin, hiding behind me. Justin pushing Selena off his lap and stood up. "Selena just go, no one wants you here..." He sighed, moving away. I stood up and Justin moved in front of me, like he was protecting me. "No. Not until I get what I want!" She hissed, trying to move him out the way to get to me. " Selena just go.." Jeremy mumbled, pushing her away.

"Tuka, outside. Now!" She screamed, storming off. "Baby you don't have to-" I cut Justin off in mid sentence. "If it means she'll back off? Ill go.." I kissed his cheek before making my way outside. Selena stood there with her back against the wall. "So, you came out then? I thought you would of chickened out." She smirked, walking over to me. "You know what Selena? I don't get why you're doing this? What is it that you really want? Justin? Or the fame?" I hissed, moving towards her so we were face to face. "I... You know what slut? I don't get why he's with you!" She shouted. I chuckled coldly, shaking my head. "Find someone else to mess with alright?" I snapped, making my way back inside. "No you don't!" She screamed, pulling me back by my hair. "You seem to think you can have Justin, but you can't! He's mine and you know it!" She shouted, shaking my by my hair. I screamed out in pain, hoping someone would here me. "Selena!" I heard someone shout. Selena let go of my hair and headed towards the road. "This isn't over!" She screamed, calling for a taxi. I sighed, falling to the floor holding my head. "Are you okay?" I looked up to see Fredo standing there. I just nodded, pulling my hand from my head. "You're bleeding...c'mon, we'll get you sorted out.." He smiled, lifting me up. Why is he doing this?

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