Chapter Thirty Six

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"Fredo..." I whimpered, banging on his door once more, hoping he'll answer. Tears were running down my face, my body ached, my suitcase was heavy. To top it off Fredo wasn't answering, I need him to answer. "Fredo!" I screamed, hitting his door even more. "He isn't there.." I turned around to see Za standing there, rubbing his eyes. "Where is he?" I whispered, avoiding eye contact. The last thing I need right now is Za going off on one. "He's gone out with some girl, what's wrong?" Some girl? That broke my heart even more, I don't even know why, it just did. Knowing that I'd probably pushed him away too far that he doesn't want to be my friend any more, or even know me. "I-I.. Justin.." I couldn't speak, everything just came out as a stutter as I broke down right in front of my brothers eyes. He rushed by my side as I slid down Fredo's door. "Tuka, Tuka please..." Za pleaded, trying to get me off the floor. It took me a while to respond. Leaving my suitcase for Za to pick up I made my way into his hotel room. Staring bluntly at the wall. Why would Justin do something like that? Was I not good enough, did I not satisfy him enough? Whatever it is I'm sure I can make it right, right? "Tell me what's wrong.." Za mumbled, handing me a cup of hot chocolate which I refused. "He cheated Za... Cheated.." I mumbled, no tone or emotion in my voice. I couldn't feel anything, nothing. Just numbness. "He did what?" Za hissed, his fists clenching. I shook my head, tears falling from my eyes as my emotions ran back to me. "I'm gonna kill him!" He shouted, standing up and rushing out the door before I protest. This can't happen, this really can't happen. 


I messed up. I have. I just let her walk out of my life, without even stopping her. How could I be so selfish? How could I hurt someone who means so much to me? I picked up my phone, looking through the messages between me and other girls. I sent each one of them the same text.

'this is over, I'm done. Sorry'

I chucked it against the dry wall, anger filling my veins again. How could I have been so stupid? How? I heard a knock at the door, making me snap out of my thoughts. I walked over, opening it slowly to reveal an angry looking Za. Well I guess I had this coming. I let him in, walking over to the sofa waiting for him to speak. "Do you know what you've done?" He snapped, making me jump slightly. I just nodded, unable to say anything. "She's over there, fucking heartbroken Justin! Heartbroken! Do you have any idea how much you meant to her! Huh?" He shouted in my face, I didn't even defend myself. "for God sake!" I heard him scream, before his fist connected with my face, sending me onto the floor. "I hoe you're happy Justin!" He spat, kicking me once more before sitting on my sofa. "Look, I never wanted to hurt her! I never wanted this Dammit!" I screamed, finally finding my voice. "I never wanted this to happen, it just did and I know that's no excuse.. But I love Tuka, with all my heart and if I can take back what I did? I would do it in a heartbeat, I know she's hurt... I am too.. I.. I ll do anything.."I whispered, my voice giving up on me at the end. Za shook his head, "Stay away from her..." He hissed, shaking his head once more before making his way out. Stay away from her. I can't, I just can't stay away. I love her right? Which means I need to fight for her. "She'll be going home tomorrow.." Za mumbled once more before closing the door behind him. I let out a scream of frustration, before kicking the sofa. I'm so stupid.


"What did he say?" I mumbled as soon as Za walked through the door. "You are not to see him again..." He hissed, walking into his bedroom and slamming the door. I sighed in frustration, picking up the pillow before screaming into it. This can't be happening, I can't leave Justin. I don't care if he's cheated, he can make up for it right? Right? I grabbed my phone, slipping on my shoes, before grabbing a piece of paper. 


I'm sorry, I don't know why but I am. Maybe because I was never good enough, never there that you felt the need to be comforted by other girls. But Ill tell you this. I'd take you back in a heartbeat, I'd come back to you in a flash. But if I was, you'd have to make up for everything, make sure I'm the only one, and Ill give you something in return. Ill treat you like a Prince, always be around you, if you stay faithful. Don't worry if I'm not here when you wake up, Ill be somewhere

I love you.


I grabbed the spare hotel key, quietly sneaking outside before shoving the letter under his door. I sighed softly, knowing this is what I need, a good walk. I walked down the stairs, round the back of the hotel. I didn't know where I was, but somehow I ended up in a park, a small quiet park. I sat down on the bench, taking my phone out and flicking through the photos. Pictures of me and Justin, happily together. I didn't even recognise them. The people in the photo weren't us. Not now. We're broken, pulled apart. All because I didn't give him the best of my heart....

TURN TO YOU~ Justin Bieber Love Story*completed*Where stories live. Discover now