Chapter Seventeen

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"Justin, are you okay?" Me and Justin have been up since 6 this morning. Turns out Justin couldn't sleep, he was too worried about the press and his fans talking about rumours. Its like he's slowly spiralling into a mental breakdown, which is something I don't want to see, but by the looks of things? The more rumours that are being made right now? The more he's falling into a black hole. I can't just stand around and watch that happen to him, he's got everything. He's got his career, his fans, his family. Yet, he's still falling. "I..I don't.... I don't know what to do Tuka.." His voice was soft, yet so broken. He laid his head on my lap, rubbing circles on my knee. "Justin, none of this was your fault, you know that.." I mumbled, running my hands through his hair softly. "They hate me... Have you seen the things they are saying? They're calling me stupid, an asshole, They say I don't care any more! Tuka they hate me!" He shouted, getting up from the sofa. "Justin they don't hate you! If they hate you? They weren't your real fans in the first place! Last time I checked? Real fans stay with their idol through thick and thin Justin! Please just calm down!" I exclaimed, running my hands over my tired face. "Why should I Tuka? Huh? You gonna hate me too huh? Are you?" He shouted in my face. I shook my head. "I'd never hate you, you know that!" I shouted back. "All these rumours? Everything? Is your fault! If you hadn't of planned this stupid party in the first place none of this would of happened!" He shouted before pushing me against the wall. I cried out in pain as I looked into Justin's eyes. They were full of hurt, anger, regret. "Justin, you're hurting me." I whispered, taking hold of his biceps. "I... I'm so sorry baby I don't... I don't know what's happening..." He whispered, looking down at his shaky hands. "Justin..." I whispered, moving towards him. "no.. Don't... I-I don't wanna hurt you.." He looked up at me, tears running down his face. "I, I love you Tuka.. So so much..." He chocked, walking out the back.

I sighed, sitting on the sofa. I took a deep breathe before letting everything out. My quiet sobs were the only thing to be heard in the silent house. "Tuka..." I looked up to see Chaz standing by the door. "Oh hey..." I smiled, weakly before making room on the sofa for him to sit. "Is everything okay? I mean... We heard shouting.." He mumbled, sitting beside me. "We?" I asked, sighing after. "Everyone's awake... I got sent down because they thought... They thought I'd be able to talk to you ya know?" He laughed slightly. "He's breaking Chaz... They've finally done it..." I shook my head, placing my head in my hands. "He won't.. We won't let him.." He whispered, rubbing my back. "Its already happened Chaz... H-He was so A-Angry earlier? He.. He was gonna hurt me.. But he stopped himself... Chaz... I'm loosing him." I chocked, falling into a puddle of my own tears. "No, you're not loosing him babe, I won't let that happen.." He pulled me in for a hug, holding me tightly. "Where is he?" He asked, stoking my hair. "In the back garden.." I sniffed, standing up. "You're going to talk to him?" Chaz asked, wiping some tears away. I just nodded, turning on my heels. "Thanks Chaz.. "I whispered, making my way outside.

Justin sat there, with his feet in the pool. Small sobs rolling from his lips. I kneel'd behind him, running my hands over his back, planting soft kisses all over. "I'm sorry..." He whispered, still staring straight ahead. "Shh.." I whispered, turning him around. "It doesn't matter baby, all that matters is getting you to stay as strong as you can.." I looked into his eyes once more, they were so dull, like the life had been sucked out of them. "I didn't mean to hurt you baby, it won't happen again.." He kissed my lips softly before pulling me onto his lap. "I love you.." I whispered, tracing the lines of his tattoos. "I love you too baby..." He whispered, kissing my cheek. "If you ever feel like that again? Just say, and we'll sort it out, together..." I mumbled quietly, looking up at him. "I promise.." He chuckled slightly rubbing his nose against mine. "As for those fans? Just ignore them." I shrugged, poking his cheek. "Whatever." He rolled his eyes playfully. You never really know how strong you are, until being strong is the only option. 

~This chapter is pretty short and I'm sorry

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