Chapter 21

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After me and Cory practiced for a good six days. Today we will be performing it in front of the whole school. I took a deep breath as I look myself in the mirror.

This past week, me and Harry never look at each other. The boys have been closed to me, they visited me last Saturday and we watch a film.

I look at my reflection. I was wearing a tubeless blue flowy dress that stops mid thigh. I was wearing a sparkly glittery sky blue wedges. My hair was curled neatly, and had makeup on.

I'll be changing for my second and third song. So, Gemma will be my assistant, while mom and Anne will be watching me in the crowd.

I breathe in and out, someone knocked on the door.

" come in" I yelled. In came mom wearing a white dress.

" you look beautiful honey" mom said while hugging me.

" thanks mom"

We both walk downstairs. Mom brought my other clothes and hang it at the back of the car. We both got in and mom drived to school.

When we arrive I got out and the boys are waiting for me. The school was decorated with flaglets hanging on the air, and ribbons are all over the school's building. A banner hangs above the schools door.

All the boys looked at me wide eyes and jaws dropped.

Harry was wearing a simple plain vest underneath and a dark blue

blazer. With skinny jeans and white converse.

" hi guys" I said while waving to them.

" boys, can you help me with Sophie's clothes, hang it backstage of the stadium, Sophie I'll see you there. Anne and Gemma are already inside" mom said.

" okay mom, just calm down"

Liam, Zayn and Niall helped mom carry my clothes and they went inside the stadium.

" so, for the two of you, I don't know but-"

" I'm not going to talk to him" I said while crossing my arms. And looking at Harry.

" really?" Louis ask.

" I will talk to him"

" really?" Louis smiled.

" if pigs fly" I said. And Louis frowned.

" when would that happen?" Louis ask.

" never in a million years" I replied while walking away.

Everybody greeted me as I walk in at the school's hallway.

I went to the stadium and met, Anne and Gemma with mom.

" hello, Sophie, you look stunning today" Anne said as she hugs me. Harry came and stood next to Gemma.

" what time is the program will start?" mom ask.

" in 20minutes" I replied.

" okay, let's go backstage" mom said as she grabs my wrist and pulled me with her, with Gemma, following us with my clothes. Harry and Anne sat down in there seats.

After 15minutes, the stadium was full of students, parents, teachers and staff. My heart started beating fast.

" mom, I'm so nervous" I said. I could see someone looking at me, I turned and saw Harry.

I look away and breathe in and out.

Harry's POV

She's nervous. I know what to do when she's nervous.

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