Chapter 17

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I woke up in the morning with a sad face, remembering the incident last night. I sigh and sat up in bed. It's still dark. I check my phone and saw my wallpaper.

It was a picture of me and Harry smiling. I groaned silently and change it to a picture of me, mom, SnowBall and Max.

I stood up and went inside the bathroom. I took a bath and change into a new pair of undergarments. I took out a skinny jeans, a green cami vest and a white blazer. I wore my white doll shoes. I dried my hair and curled it.

I grab my backpack and phone and went downstairs. The sun was shining after a 40minutes of getting ready.

" Soph? why are so early? it's 6:30 in the morning and school starts at 8" mom said.

" I can't sleep" I replied while plopping down on the sofa. I place my bag beside me and my phone on my lap.

" what would you like to eat for breakfast? " mom ask.

" I'll just buy something to eat on my way to school afterwards" I said. She nods and went upstairs.

I sigh and turned on the television.

Nothing good to watch.

I turned it off and mom came in.

" bored? " mom ask.

" yeah" I replied.

" do you want someone to talk to, without judging you, I know somebody" mom said.

" who?" I ask.

Mom whispered to me the name and I smiled.

" okay, bye mom" I said while grabbing my phone and bag.

" tell him I said ' Hi'" mom yelled.

" I will"

I went out with my car keys on my hands. I saw Harry's car passing by. I shrugged it off and I went inside my car.

I buckled my seatbelt and started the engine. I backed out of the driveway and drove off. I stopped by in a flower shop and bought a boquet of white flowers, and two candles.

I went inside my car again and place the flower and candles beside me on the passenger's seat.

I drove off.

When I arrive I walk over to him and place the flower.

" hi dad" I greeted him as I started tearing up.

" it's been so long since I haven't visited you" I said while smiling as I light the two candles with a match.

" I guess you already know what happened last night"

" he was a great guy, I know that cause he was once my best friend. Our friendship ends again, and I'm sure it will never be back to the way it was after that tragedy" I sigh.

" oh, and by the way mom said hi" I said while just sitting down there on the green grass.

A cold wind came and made me have goosebumps. The two candles that were lightened went off.

" gosh dad your scaring me" I said while rubbing my arms.

" well, I gotta go, I'm gonna be late for school"

"bye daddy" I said while giving him a flying kiss.

" I love you"

I stood up and hopped in my car. I drive off to Starbucks.

I went inside and saw the boys. Harry saw me and look away with sadness in his face.

There was a tapped on my shoulder. I turned and saw a smiling Cory. Well, Cory is so handsome, he's voice sounds like a guy but he's 100% gay.

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