Chapter 8

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I woke up in the morning with arms wrapped around my waist  I look up and saw Zayn sleeping peacefully.

I sat up slowly, not wanting to wake Zayn up.

I went inside his bathroom and brush my teeth.

I fix my hair and went downstairs to be greeted by Trisha and mom?

" Sophie" Mom said.

" hey, what are you doing here?" I ask.

" just visiting you" mom replied. 

" aww, you miss me, don't you?" I ask.

" yes" mom said while looking down.  I laughed.

" I miss you too mom" I said while hugging her.

" good morning Trisha" I greeted.

" good morning Sophie, Is Zayn still sleeping?" Trisha ask.

I just nod.

" well, I better get going now, I need to be early at the office" mom said while kissing me on the cheek.

" bye mom" I yelled while waving to her.

I sat down on a chair across from Trisha.

" do you want coffee? " Trisha ask.

" milk please" I said while smiling.

" sure"

" thank you" I replied.

I waited for Trisha to give me the glass of milk.

" here you go, darling"

I took the glass of milk and started drinking it.

A pair of arms snake around my waist.  I look to my side and saw Zayn.

" good morning,  babe" Zayn greeted.

" morning" I replied.

" morning to my beautiful mother" Zayn said while kissing her mom's cheek.

" morning to you too" Trisha replied while washing the dishes.

After I finish my milk, I sat down next to Zayn in the sofa on their living room.

" so, do you wanna go out today, before our date afterwards? " I ask.

" sure, where do you want to go?" Zayn ask.

" amusement park" I replied. 

" okay" Zayn replied. 

I smiled widely and hug him tightly.

" thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said very fast.

He just chuckled.

" guys, breakfast is ready!" Trisha yells from the kitchen. 

" where's are your sisters?" I ask.

" they went out early" Zayn replied.

" oh" me and Zayn walked in the kitchen and sat down.

Trisha put a plate of bacons and eggs on the table and a plate of french toast.

"mmmmm. that looks really good" I said while smelling the food in front of me.

" bon Appetite" Trisha said while giggling.

Me and Zayn started eating. 

I took a bite of the toast and it crunches after biting it.

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