Chapter 9

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Me and Zayn arrive at his house and his sisters hug me.

I went upstairs to get ready.

I took a bath and dried myself up.

I put a towel on my hair and wore my undergarments.

I borrowed Zayn's bathrobe and walk out of the bathroom. 

I change into a floral dress that stops mid - thigh. 

I wore my white converse and dried my hair.

I straightened it and curled it on the ends.

I put some light make up on and put a clip on my hair to the sides .

I sprayed some perfume.

I grab my phone and wallet and put it inside my pocket.

I went downstairs and met Zayn. 

He look up and smiled.

He offered his hand and I gladly took it, he help me walk the last few steps on the stairs.

" you look stunning" Zayn whispered.

" thanks " I replied while blushing.

Me and Zayn waved to his sister and Trisha and went out to his car. 

Zayn is acting weird since we've talk with the boys.

I got in on the passenger's seat and buckled my seatbelt.

Zayn jog to the driver's seat and buckled his belt.

He started the engine and drive our way to our destination. 

It was a silent car ride,  but not that awkward.

We arrive at Nandos.

" wait here"  Zayn said. I nod and smiled.

He got out of the car and closed it properly.

He opened my car door and I got out.

He closed it and lock it after closing.

I was waiting for him to hold my hand, but he didn't.  What happened to the sweet and caring Zayn? that's odd.

Me and Zayn walk inside Nandos. I sat down by myself because Zayn sat down immediately. 

" can I have your order ma'am sir?" a waiter ask.

" shit" Zayn murmured.

" what?" I ask.

" I left my wallet at the house" Zayn said.

" you have got to be kidding me" I said.

" I promise" he said while holding his hands up in the air.

I rolled my eyes.

We ordered our dinner with me paying them.

I thought this is going to be a fun and romantic date, but it was not.

Our orders came and Zayn started eating. I was eating slowly,  while Zayn is munching on the food.

" Soph, can you get me some water over there," Zayn requested.

" excuse me?"

" water" Zayn said. I groaned silently and stood up getting the glass of water. 

I could hear giggling. I look around and saw Niall munching on the food, while there is three people covering themselves with the menu, up side down. Idiots.

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