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Present Day

Sophie's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep

I groaned as I shut my alarm clock off.

I open my eyes and look at the pictures on my bedside table. A picture of daddy, me and mom. A picture of dad alone while smiling. And a picture of me and Harry smiling on each other's arms.

I sat up and walk to the bathroom that is connected to my room.

I took a bath and change into a blue skinny jeans, and a white crop top.

I walk downstairs,  still in bear foot and walk inside the kitchen.

" morning mom" I greeted my mom with a kiss on the cheek.

" good morning darling, ready for school? " mom ask.

I nod while fake smiling.

I don't wanna go to school, I've been bullied for already 5years by my ex best friend and his best mates.

I sigh and took a seat across from mom 

" I know Soph, you don't want to go to school because you get bullied by Harry" mom said.

" mom, are you a mind reader? " I ask.

" well, maybe" mom chuckled as I  started eating my cereal.

I went upstairs to brush my teeth. Dried my hair and tied it into a pony tail. I wore my white converse and grab my phone and ' Jansport' bag.

I ran downstairs and kissed mom on the cheek and waved goodbye.

I walk down on the sidewalk.  I took out my Ipod and plugged in my white earphones and started listening to Taylor Swift songs.

I walk inside the school gates and took a deep breath.

" dad, guide me today" I whispered to myself.

I went to my locker and grab anything what I need. First class is.


Great. I think you already know what's the meaning of sarcasm. With Harry sitting beside me. I rolled my eyes.

Before I could shot my locker with my hand. I shot it with my face.

Ouch that really hurts.

" hey bitch, how ya doin' today?" Harry's voice ask.

" n-nothing much, just about to g-get t-to c-class" I replied. He smirked.

" oh, oh well, meet us at the field after school, got it?" Harry ask.

I nod. And he laughed evily, with his mates behind him.

I gathered my books that had fallen in my arms after Harry smashed my face on my own locker.

I sigh and walk inside the classroom.

I went to my seat, beside the window.

I leaned in the window and look at some girls playing football in the mud.

I remember me and Harry would play football at our backyard.


" GOAL!" I shouted.

" I win, you loose!" I shouted while pointing to a frowning Harry.

" I'm just tired that's why" Harry said.

" blah, blah, blah, reasons!" I shouted the last word.

" it's true!" Harry shouted back. I laughed.

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