Chapter 13

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After a week of school, thank god it's friday today.

I just got home from school after a boring day. The boys went home Wednesday afternoon, and they would fetch me with Harry's or Louis' car.

"Sophie! can you please come down here?!" mom yelled.

I ran downstairs and met mom on the living room.

" yes, mother? " I ask while sitting on the sofa.

" I don't feel so good to prepare dinner, so can you?" mom ask.

" of course" I replied.

" thank you honey" mom said.

" do you need anything mom? "

" a pillow and matresses, please" mom said while smiling.

" okay, I'll just get it" I said while running upstairs.

My phone vibrated again and again. I stopped on my tracks and answered my phone.

" hello, this is Sophie speaking"

"hey Soph, where are you? " Harry's voice ask.

" home" I replied.

" can I come over? I'm bored here" Harry said.

I chuckled.

" okay, you could help me here, mom's not feeling well, so I have to prepare dinner" I said.

I heard shuffling at the end of the line.

" haz, you still there?" I ask.

" yeah, I'm on my way, I'll bring dinner for the two of you" Harry said.

" what? no it's okay, I'll just prepare it myself" I replied..

" nope, you stay next to Claire and keep on eye on her, while I bring you dinner" Harry said.

" okay, fine, thank you Harry" I said while smiling.

We both hung up and I ran to mom's room and brought her matress and pillow downstairs.

Mom fell asleep, I smiled.

I put the pillow under her head and cover her with the matress.

I move some of her hair, that was covering her face.

I turn on the tv and started watching some random tv shows.

There was a knock on the door. I stood up and opened it, to reveal Harry holding four or five plastic bags.

" haz, this is to many" I said while looking at the bags he brought.

" c'mon" Harry said while walking in and walking straight to the kitchen.

I closed the door and followed him.

" I bought chicken soup for Claire and some medicine's" Harry said.

I smiled.

" I also bought Nandos"

" thank you, Harry" I said while walking towards him.

He smiled to me as I hug him from the neck. He wrap his arms around my waist and buried his head on my neck.

We break off the hug and started taking out the food he bought.

I took the soup, water, orange juice and medicine's ,and place it on a tray.

" I'll just feed mom" I said to Harry who was eating some food he brought.

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