Chapter 19

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Sophie's POV

After me and Cory ditch class, just staying on the roof top and wrote songs. The lunch bell rang, me and Cory collect our things and went to the cafeteria.

I grab a tray and started lining up.

I place my tray on the empty table, while Cory following me.

" I'm so excited for the results later, I hope you will be one of the top six! " Cory cheered. I laughed.

" I hope so" I replied as I started eating my vegetable salad.

" guess who's looking at you?" Cory ask.

I gave him a confused look.

" who?" I ask. He pointed to the person, I turned and saw Harry looking at our table, but look away when he saw me.

I rolled my eyes, and Cory giggled.

" that's not funny" I said to him.

" oh c'mon your such a cute couple! are you two in a Love Quarrel? " Cory ask while raising his eyebrows.

I laughed.

" yeah right" I said while continue eating.

After eating, all students proceeded to the stadium of the school. I sat on the second row at the front, with Cory. The boys came in and sat down in front of us. Niall was in my front, so I kicked his chair. He turned.

I gave him a small smile and he smiled back.

The teacher came in and we all went silent.

" good afternoon students! "

Our music teacher came in, holding a piece of paper.

" we have the results, and were going to annouce it today! " our teacher said in the microphone.

Everybody started murmuring.

" Quiet!" Mr. Dan shouted. It went silent again.

" okay, were going to announce now, we already knew what are they going to do"

" but we have a good news for the winner" Mr. Dan said.

We all look around with confused looks

" the winner will be picking his/her partner, and they will be singing three songs on the program next week, but the first and second song will be sanged solo, by the winner" the teacher explained.

" let's start"

I hold Cory's hand and I could see Harry looking at the corner of his eyes.

" the person that I'm going to call please go up on stage.............. Zayn Malik"

Everybody clapped, Zayn stood up from his seat and hugged the boys.

He went up on stage and stood at the center.

" next.................... Liam Payne"

" Yes!" Liam yelled while hugging the boys.

He went up and hugged Zayn.

" and.............. Louis Tomlinson! "

" Boo Yah!" Louis yelled while waving to the crowd. I giggle silently.

" well, I guess boys run the world" Mr. Dan said.

We all laughed.

" Naill Horan please come up on stage"

" oh my god! " Niall jump high, while running on stage.

" two spots left" Ms. Lee said while smiling.

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