Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning. I took a bath and changed into a half sleeve shirt, jeggings and my white doll shoes.

I dried my hair and braided it.

I grab my back pack and went downstairs.

" morning,  mom" I greeted her with a hug.

" morning darling" mom said while kissing my cheeks and placing eggs n' bacon infront of me.

" thank you" I said as I grab a fork from the side.

I started eating and finish it up in time. I went back upstairs and brush my teeth.

I ran downstairs,  telling mom a goodbye and ran outside plugging in my earphones, and started listening to some songs.

I walk inside the school gates and saw the boys walking and laughing around. Harry was not with them.

I started walking inside and saw Harry snogging with Stacey, the school's slut. Sleeps with every guy in school, including Harry.

They stopped kissing and Harry saw me looking.

How dare he asking for my forgiveness and the next day he'll just break my heart  What a jerk. I guess this is all of his silly pranks.

I turn around and started walking to my locker. I grab my things and look at my schedule.

History. With Harry again and with the other boys and with Stacey.

I groaned silently. I close my locker and turn around to see Harry looking down.

" what do you want?" I ask while rolling my eyes.

" Sophie, I'm sorry, but me and Stacey are dating" Harry said.

I fake smiled and pat his side.

" Congratulations for the two of you" I said while I started walking.

I sat in my seat in class.Then, Harry came in with Stacey. He look at me but Stacey made him look at her.

" hey" a voice greeted me.

I look to see who it was and it was Zayn.

" hi Zayn" I said while smiling.

" are you okay?" Zayn ask.

I nod amd smiled.

" can I sit with you?" Zayn ask.

" yeah" I replied and Zayn brought his chair next to mine and he sat next to me.

I saw Harry looking.

" so, do you earn our trust now?" Zayn ask.

" not yet" I said while chuckling. He smiled.

Zayn and I talked for a couple of minutes. The whole time I was with him, I was laughing my ass off. I never laugh before like this.

The teacher came in and we all settled down.

Harry's POV

I'm jealous. Jealous. Jealous. Jealous.

Jealous because Zayn can make Sophie laugh. They are talking together. While I'm sitting here, and letting Stacey sit on my lap.

The teacher came in and we all settled down.

I look at Sophie and Zayn and they were smiling to each other. My blood boil. Zayn hold Sophie's hand and whispered something to her which made her giggle.

Zayn took his hand from Sophie's hand and started listening to the teacher.

" well, since I have given an exam yesterday, and you all have high score. I think it's good for you to have a free time" Mrs. Lee said.

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