This is the Way We Live

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Dani <3

Here we are at the time of our lives and Lauren says she can't do it. 

"What do you mean you can do it?" I asked touching her shoulder. 

"I mean, I can't go out there." 

"Leave us alone please?" I asked the rest. They all nodded and left. "You can do this. You are a wonderful sister and they will love you. Just look." I opened up the curtains and let her peak into the crowd already filling it. All sorts of people were coming in smiling with posters and jumpy. 

"YOLO. Remember, you said it yourself. You only live once, make it worth your time." I say holding both of her hands.

"Your Right. I can do this. I have nothing to be afraid of." 

"Come on, it's almost show time." Right when we found the other girls Austin Mahone came down from the stage. 

"Lauren, you performing?" Christina asked biting her nail. 

"....Yeah." She gave a big thought. 

"AND NEXT WE HAVE A GROUP OF SISTERS FROM SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA! PLEASE WELCOME CIMORELLI!" The guy annouced and the crowd cheered, but then he had a weird look in his face and went off stage. 

"Girls." The producer tapped us. 


"Terribly sorry girls, but you guys can only perform one song. We're over booked." 

"How do we decide that now?!" Lisa panicked. 

"Um...Unconditionally?" Katherine hoped for. 

"Million Bucks? That is our original." Lauren pointed out. 

Original. Original! That's it! Our original. 

"None of them." I say out loud. 

"What are we going to then?" 

"A song."

"Which one?" They just shot me questionable looks.

"The Way We Live." I like the song. 

"But we didn't practice it enough. It's not perfect for us to perform." Christina stated the obvious truth that indeed we didn't practice it enough. 

I looked to Lauren for help hoping she remembered the part about the YOLO. 

"You Only Live Once. Live it. Try it." Lauren helped me. I smiled at her. 

"Fine." Christina finally caved in. "You guys all remember your parts right?" 



"1,2,3 CIMORELLI!" We all shouted. We ran onstage and the lights flashed in our eyes--something that hasn't happened to us in awhile. 

"Hello everybody, today we are singing a new song." Christina introduce. 

"It's called...Dani?" Lauren throws it over to me. 

"The Way We Live." I say proudly.

"Hope you guys enjoy it." Lisa concludes. 

"Grew Up in a Subarb

That was right outside of Sac Town

Riding in my brother's truck

Music up too loud...." 

***************After perfomance. 

"Hope y'all liked it and we'll see you guys next time!" Amy says. 

The Way We Live *Cimorelli Story*Where stories live. Discover now