Puzzle Pieces

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I was on my phone. 

I know when your sister is in the hospital and crushed

You should be worrying not on your phone.

But I have reasons.

I was on my phone deep in thought. 

On my NOTES app. I had a list of scenerios.

1. Lisa's in depression just the past month

2. I had a abusive boyfriend

3. Dani has been quiet lately. 

4. Katherine's car acident

Maybe I should change accident into sabotage. If that's how you spell it. This just doesn't happen to us. We're a loving family. We respect God a lot. We never done anything wrong in life. I guess all is fair, Love & War. I mean we can't always be happy. Things need to even out, but now all at once.

Someone's out to get us. The fact is no one seen who hit Katherine.

I'm freaking myself out more. 

I went to Christina. She's so calm and overwhelming. 

"Christina I need to talk to you." I said it over so quietly. I was suprised.

"OK." She's somehow still calm. 

We walked to the Garden that the hospital provides for healing patients. Who can walk and awake. 

We sat down on the bench. 



"Why's our family tearing apart?" I really didn't know how to phrase it. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You see I've been catching up on our news. You see. First Lisa got depression out of nowhere. Second, Chad. Third haven't you notice Dani's not Dani anymore. And last look where we are not."

"So what are you saying exactly?" 

"We've never done anything bad. God won't be that unfair. Someones out to get us."

I could see Christina's face drain. 

"Now Amy. Thats a serious matter. Who do you think could be out to get us?" 

"I don't know. The person who hit Katherine." 

We were called by Dad. We walked back inside close together. Now that I told Christina she seems to put the puzzle pieces together. 

I suddenly realized something else. Lauren and Christina are next. I mean What could go wrong though? 

Christina loose Nick? Their the perfect couple. Lauren could be like a rebel for all I know like the phase Lisa got. 

Maybe I should stop before I jinx it. 

I didnt want to be the only one thinking for solutions. I got up on my tippy toes just to reach Christina's ear enough to whisper. "I think you and Lauren are next." I had a voice of worry. I just don't know what to do now. I'm an 18 year old scared of life. Scared of unhappy endings. Scared danger. But who isn't? 

I just don't know. 

I try to see who could do this, but nothing ring a bell. 

Like we're a loving family who doesn't like drama except if it's on TV.

I've never been so scared in my life, but I guess I have now. 

It's just that I know we have haters, but who in the crazy mind would. Worst I heard mom and dad thinking we should go to public school.

She thinks we're not normal kids. Of course we're not. Six of us are singers and popular. But this is the way we live. That's what makes us special. What makes us different. 

What makes us stand out in a crowd. 

All of us were silent. Just have nothing to say. 

Someone just came through the doors I think. Katherine's performing surgery right now so. We all turned our heads to the right. It was Angela. I guess Dani told her or Lauren. 

She hugged all of us. 

"Is she OK?"

None of us speaked. The only voice I hear other than Angela is Mom.

"No, honey, but thank you for being here." 

She nodded and cracked a half smile. She sat down and mopped like the rest of us. 

I went on twitter. I need something normal today. We were all still in our swimming gear. 

cimfam123: @cimorelliband. I hope Katherine gets well! Prayers to you guys! #getwellKath

Apparently that was trending. News spread around. At least the papparazzi gave us a little privacy. I guess that's the bright side.

Justin Bieber: I hope Katherine gets well. Wishes to you guys. :D #getwellKath

Woah Justin Bieber knows. Cool. I showed it to the closest person to me which was mom. She hugged me and said "Stay Strong." 

I decided to tweet to let them know that we're all OK and a thank you for the Cim Fam. 

Amy Cimorelli: Thank You for the get well wishes. We appreciate that. Thank so much. We would ask for anything better than the Cim Fam. :D #getwellKath 

A/N Remember to 





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