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A/N: So this is different because this is at the front. I consider you not to skip this because if you are a fangirl of One Direction, today's your lucky day! Since their mom and dad are in Europe (maybe England) they could meet One Direction. I just want you guys opinion so comment below if you want One Direction in it or not! This is Amy's POV.

Previously on The Way We Live:

"Bad news.." Christina continues. "Mom and Dad are in Europe. 


As we look shockly at Christina, Christina looked at us. 

"How'd you know?" Joey asked. 

"The polices informed us." 

"How do they know?" 

"They found similar DNA of mom and dad's blood there." 

"Already?" Dani whispers to me. 

"So what's the plan?" Lisa questions. 

"We fly to Europe." Christina said like it was just a walk in the park. 

"When? All of us?" I ask repeativly. 

"This Saturday which will be 2 days from now, so start packing. Yes, all of us." 

I nodded. All of us. 

We all went upstairs to pack. I went to my shared bedroom and lugged out a orange suitcase. I packed starting with things I really need.

"Wait. For how long?" I need to know how much clothes I need to pack. 

"For about 5 days or 2 weeks the most." All I heard was blah, blah 2 weeks. 

I think I packed all the things I need. 

[X] 7 pairs of underwear 

[X] 7 shirts, 7 bottoms

[X] 7 bras

[X] My toothbrush, toothpaste, hair stuff, makeup


[X] My phone, technology

[X] Things I might think are useful 

That took up a lot of my suitcase. I was the first one done so I decided to ask where exactly are we going in Europe. 

"Either Ireland or England." 

"Is it cold there?" 


"Got it." 

Add sweaters into my list. Now that made up my suitcase. 

We ate dinner later that evening. Katherine cooked up some pizza. Lisa and Nick's birthday are coming up and mom and dad aren't home yet. I just hope they make it in time. 

We prayed and ate without a single word. It was just awkward to speak. I mean what are there to talk about? Anyways, Katherine decided to break the silence and talked. 

"So? Everyone packed?" I heard a lot of yeah's and yes's ,  but one person didn't. 

"No." Dani said. 


"I'm not done." 

"How far have you packed." 

"Half way." 

"Finish after dinner or tomorrow."

"Kay." Normally Dani would argue, but she figured that this wouldn't be the time. 

As we all cleaned up, we went our separate ways. I open my phone for the first time in a long time. I check twitter and see that a lot of CimFams are worried about us. To set things clear I tweeted to let them know we're still alive. I don't want them thinking we're all dead, but maybe mom and dad are. I just hope they aren't. 

I tweeted out this: 

@amycim: Just to set things straight. Sorry that we're not posting as often, we have some technical difficulties. We do care, but we will post something soon. Thank you 4 caring. We love u CimFam. We will be back really soon with a tour! 

I want them to have something to look forward to instead of just some cover video. 

I guess all my sisters saw my tweet and decided it was time to face the CimFam. 

@christinacim: @amycim, she is right. We r terribly sorry for not being active as much, but something has come up and it's important. Thank u 4 ur understanding. We will be annoucing the tour dates soon!

@katherinecim: Yep! You heard it! Our tour is coming up! Just some issues that need 2 b settled. We r traveling right now becuz we want to know the world. We r going somewhere outside of the U.S. See you Europe! p.s. this is not for any fan purposes. We r vacationing. 

@lisacim: I think I'll do a vlog in 10 minutes! So, yep the tour is out soon and sorry 4 the long time we haven't uploaded anything, the long wait. THE TOUR IS COMING SOOOOONN! #excited

@laurencimorelli:Haven't been on here 4 awhile. Anyways, since all my sisters r repeating what each other are saying, I will be saying. Stay a CimFam. Luv U!

@danicim:@laurencimorelli, hahaha! I will join in, in the repeating line. The tour is coming out soon and we hope you enjoy what we have on our channel because we are late on the uploading of the videos. SORRY! #sorryiamsorry #oopsydaisies

I laughed and shut off my phone. I got out of the couch and stretched. I check my watch. 8:30. I think I should get some rest. 

"I'M GOING TO SLEEP!" I yell. 

"KAY!" I walked upstairs and brushed my teeth. I flossed and changed into my pajamas. I put my clothes from today to the dirty pile. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Not right away, but I thought that the day of our first tour day with mom and dad. Would be so awesome. Then I fell asleep. 

A/N: So I really want to know if you want One Direction to be in it. Vote for support, comment for ideas or the thing I just mentioned, and just be awesome! See ya!

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