A New Problem

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I rolled my eyes and gave the phone to Joey. I walked upstairs and stopped, it's awfully quiet. Instead of going to my door, I went to Dani's. 

"Dani?" I said softly. I knocked, but I went in anyways. I see Dani's back facing me and she was staring into I think a box. I don't have my glasses or my contacts on. 

"Dani?" I repeat again. She didn't turn to face me. She murmured something and I walked closer. I was kinda scared on what was happening. 

"Dani?" I repeat once more and tapped my her. 

"GO AWAY!" She shouts and I jump back. I was so surprised  by her sudden outburst. 

"What's wrong?" I stayed even though I debated on it. 

"EVERYTHING!" She screams turning now facing me. 

"What's with the screaming?" Mike walks in. I pointed to Dani. 

"Dani?" I looked at Dani and she looked like she was doing drugs, but I falsed to believe that. 

This was something I never saw from Dani, this is crazy. Reallllllllllll crazy. 

"Amy, go outside. Me and Dani will talk about this." Mike ordered. I nodded and walked outside. I wonder what they were talking about. I stayed and lingered around the door. 

"What are you doing?" Katherine walks up. 

"Shhh!" I pointed to the door. "Mike and Dani are having a talk." Katherine crouched down. 


"Dani shouted and Mike saw her. She was scary. She looked crazy." I say. 

"Wow." Then shouts came from behind the door. Me and Katherine's eyes contacted. When we heard footsteps coming towards the door, me and Kath scrambled to our room across the hall. 

We closed the door and we talked whispering. 

"So Dani was staring at a box and when you asked her something she screamed at you?" 

"Yes!" I say still trying to cope with what just happened. "She looked like a different person." 

"What do you mean a different person?" Kath wanted more details. 

"Like an alternative person. Where Dani's quiet and a person who hates Nutella." 

"Woah, her? Hating Nutella? Impossible." 

"It's like she didn't even care whether anyone was hurt or anything, she just wanted to rip your heart out and scream in victory." I say, maybe a little exaggerated. 

"That sounds horrible!" I don't think Katherine believe me about the rip your heart out thing, but I think  she got the idea of how bad Dani was. 

"So what do you think Mike said to Dani?" Katherine said with a sudden interest. 

"I don't know! Probably, "You better calm down!" or something like that." I tried to do the impersonassion in Mike's voice, but that didn't really work out. 


"Amy?" I hear a soft boys voice talk. 

"Joey?" i croak. 

"Amy?" Joey said once again. 


"What happened to Dani?" 

"What do you mean?" I said now sitting up. 

"I heard shouting." He sat on my belly. 

"Dani's sad right now. Just leave her alone." He nodded and layed down next to me on the couch. 



"Will we ever be happy again?" 

"I don't know, I don't know Joey." He never said anything again and neither did I. We layed there for the rest of the afternoon wondering whether we'll be happy again.

So here we are at dinner time, still not able to find the answer about the earlier question. 

"Where's Dani?" I ask seeing she's still not here. 

"She's sleeping in her room. I suggest we not bother her." Mike replies a bit grumpy. 

We were having macaroni and cheese with salad on the side. We all ate our dinner quiet as can be. I just can't believe the odds of us having all these things happening. One thing leads to another and a bigger problem comes up. 

I sighed and didn't bother finishing any of my food. I was so bored yet I was glad it was that way. I don't know, I'm mixed with my feelings. 

After dinner we all went and did our own things. And that's how everyday of our lives went, until the day we've been leading up to. 

Meanwhile in France 

"We currently can cross Landes Forest out of my possible lists." Lisa says. 
"Yeah. What's out next location?" Lauren asks
"Paimpont Forest." Christina said. 
"How far is that?" Alex questions. 
"Boys, do this math for me. 1 in. in here equals 250 miles. There are about 3 1/2 inches in here. How many miles is that?" 

The little boys started counting there fingers until they couldn't figure out the 1/2 part. 

"Remember, model over actual and cross multiply." Christina made them do this so they still had some education. 

"350 miles!" Christian jumps up. 

"Uhhh! Why did you have to say it out loud." Nick said like he did all of that thinking for nothing. Which was true. But he tried. They started there way to Paimpont Forest which was reallly far away. 

Dani's Diary  

Dear Diary, 
            Today....today was weird. I don't know exactly what happened, but I know I got Mike really mad. I just don't remember anything. Something I do remember is finding out I have agoraphobia, the worst part, is finding out on the internet. ON THE INTERNET! I had no help and then my so-called family just orders my to calm down and they walk away. It's like WTF?! I'm right here, dying and you're like what? Partying or something? As people say, you don't walk out on someone dying, it shouldn't be different with someone alive and alone and sad, and need help or when they need someone most. 

Sometimes I would be in the bathroom, in the corner and I would just sit there and rock back and forth holding my knees. It's just the worst feeling, worst when no one even realizes. The pain in the heart when you feel no one is there anymore. Or when you know you're lost, but you know where you are. What the place is, but you need to be somewhere else. Knowing you are lost, but won't admit it, but when you do..... 

It's too late.
                                                    Yours Truly, 

Dani closed her journal and went to bed. With the emptiness of the room, it makes it worse. 


A/N:So even writing Dani's Diary part, it really broke my heart even though it's not even true. It breaks because I know a lot of people with agoraphobia and it's not fun to see someone you care about scared and worried. They just sit there and they stare into space and you don't know how to help. First and foremost I do not know how far Landes forest is from Paimpont forest. I googled search forests in France and picked random forests. Anywho, vote for support, comment if you want to, and be awesome cause I told you to! :p

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