Autumn Leaves

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I wasn't sleeping. I was faking it. Meaning, I was closing my eyes, but I was still awake. You with me? I wanted to wake up, but too scare to what I was going to wake up to see. How are we going to get out of here? I peeked up my left eye and see that we're still in mom and dad's room. I fully opened my eyes to see everyone sleeping. Good. 

I've been thinking from what I had been earlier. Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. But what if there's no good or possibly a great? Mom and Dad aren't on our team anymore. I know outcome, but not what made the outcome. It's all the events that lead into the climax. I feel like I'm in a novel right now. Foreshadowing, but there's no foreshadowing here. Just surprises. 

i tried to use my contortion move which involves my hands tied up going under my butt, below my legs until it's like a circle around. I did it before, but I didn't know I'd actually had to use it. This is like the Hunger Games. No ones trustable. We're on our own. I don't know if I should even trust my siblings. 

It took a lot of hard work, but I got my hands where I want them to be. I saw the scissors next to Lauren. If I'm quiet enough I could get it and cut myself free. Wait! Maybe I should wake the others too. No! I can't trust them! What if they're on the same side as Mark. They're just tricking me! They probably are going against me! I mean I'm no longer their sibling. If I was adopted, the adopted child was always unwanted by the family. My case I was an unwanted child. I was left by my own mother on their doorstep. There I was unwanted by my birth mother. Lynne and Mike never bothered to tell me! They said no secrets, but news flash there's one. Shocker. 

First I was left on my own, second I was untold, third now I can't even trust my own 'family' or what I thought they were. My thoughts swirled around my head. I finally got my hand ropes cut which took forever. It was 9:00 in the morning. I better leave before the others wake up. 

I slowly, but efficiently walked to the door. I could here shuffling. "Dani?" A slight sleepy voice said. It was Nick. "Nick go back to sleep." 2 minutes later I could hear him snore again. I turned the knob and see it's locked from the outside. I looked around for something to escape, but only one thing was here. The window. If you haven't notice we're on the second floor. 

I pushed the 2 windows open. I looked down. Grass. 1 feet away was the trampoline, if I direct it right I could land in there. Just a few cuts and bruises wouldn't be that bad. Whatever. What do I have to live for anyways. I mean my own family are against me. The whole freaking world is!!

I heard someone call my name. I didn't look back. I just jumped. 

I got out of the trampoline which I safely landed on and ran. I never looked back which I didn't want to. 

"DANI!" Well seems like someone woke up from their beauty sleep. 

I finally looked back and see Mike, Christina, Amy, and Lauren running after me. How did they escape? I stopped for a second or so to see which way to go. Seriously I have no idea where I'm going. 

I had a few tears runningg down my cheek. I ran across the street dodging cars along the way ignoring how much my feet hurts and the honking of the cars. I don't thing people noticed the last memeber the of the Cimorelli band was running away from her problems. 

"DANI?! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY FROM US!?" I could here Mike shout. 

They wouldn't understand. I ran into the forest of shedding leaves making it a wonderland. It was changing into fall making all the leaves red, orange, yellow, and brown. It was like the making of Million Bucks wonderland. I was still running, but a bit slower. I stopped and rested my palms that are red and throbbing on my knees. I absorbed the Autumn air. 

I looked around and see alone. Where I want to be. 

The wind was fair blowing leaves surrounding me. I like it.

It's so peaceful. I twirled around. I just need a little time to focus on what's around me. 

I layed on the ground. I looked up at the sky, if only I could I could just fly away like the clouds. I spreaded out like a star. Something on's my stomache. I looked down. A bunny. It was alone. Like me. This is my new best friend. I petted it's soft fur. I wonder if it's female or male. Maybe I'd just call it Bunny.

I guess Mike, Christina, Amy, and Lauren lost me in this forest. I wish I could live here. Away from the busy streets, bus fumes, and reality. 

I fell asleep with the bunny on my stomache making me warm and the leaves covering me. 

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

I woke up to the sound of purring. I opened my eyes and sat up carefully still remembering the bunny, not wanting to fling it off. It was Amy the Cat. Atleast something found me from my so-call 'family'. I picked it up and hugged it.

Bunny and Amy seems to enjoy each other's company, their like best friends. I smiled at their happiness. If only I had that.

OK, Why would mom and dad help Mark only one answer, Mark must known them along time before. 

NO! That couldn't be! 

Is Mark my...

A/N: So did you like the chapter? Who do you think Dani think Mark is? So have you guys started school yet?! Comment below. Vote for this chapter if you think it's vote-worthy and BE AWESOME!

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