No Way!

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(Johanna POV)

"oh my god" I run up to Katniss who is on the ground and has 2 arrows in her body.


"911 what's your emergency?"

"M-my best friend was shot twice with arrows PLEASE HELP!!"

"Calm down, calm down where are you at?"

"The woods like 5 minutes away from a meadow"

"Ok get to the meadow and we will meet you there" then I hang up and take the arrows out of Katniss while she groans in pain.

"Stay awake Katniss you'll be alright just don't leave!!"

"It hurts Jo I don't think i'll last, please help me PLEASE".

"I am you just have to hang in there". I'm crying like there is no tommrow I don't know what is going to happen to my bestfriend and I can't help but to just cry even more than I already am, sob after sob after sob.

When i get to the medow the ambulance has arrived, they come ruuning up to me with a stretcher. They put katniss on the strecter then take her into the ambulane telling me to meet them there. I get into my car and call Annie while driving to the hospital still crying.


"Hey umm"

"Jo what's wrong why do you sound like your crying?"

"Just call everyone and tell them to get to the hospital ASAP I have to go" then I hang up.

I decide to go to her apartment real fast and get her some clothes for when she does get to to leave, if she does leave.

I barge through her apartment not caring to close her door and get her clothes. right as I'm about to leave Peeta comes through the door.

"What's wrong with you?" he asks like it's no big deal.

"katniss is in the hospital and I don't know what her state is right now."

"Whoah WAIT WHAT SHES IN THE HOSPITAL, can I come with you to see if she'll be okay?"

"You barely... ugh fine I don't have time for this come on."

We get to the hospital after I explained everything to Peeta he's almost in tears at the end and I think he has a crush on Katniss. Damn when can Katniss get a break from this I mean she just moved give here a break.

We both run in and see the doctor about to speak "wait wait wait!!!" I yell and that got the doctors attention.

"Ok continue".

"Well I'm so sorry to say this but, Katniss is in a coma since she got hit in the shoulder that's right by her heart, her heart went into a state of shock and... shut down for a little bit,, but don't worry it's back up and running her brain is just having some troubles regenerating and she needs more blood or she won't survive long she lost a lotof blood from her shoulder since it was so close to her heart" he takes a deep breath continues."well I'm so sorry to say this."

"What type of blood does she have?" I ask thinking maybe one of us has it.

"Well that's the thing she has the most rarest type of blood out there"

"Which is..." I ask trying to move this along.

"It's O Negative" I've never even heard of that and I want to be a doctor.

"I have that type of blood" ok this time I didn't say that, I look at the person who said that an it was no way....


So I know it's kind of short and I'm so sorry but this is that only spot that would be a good cliffhanger


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