TWSM · Chapter 12

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So I had to admit that I was scared.

Looking out into the crowd from behind the curtains my stomach churned as I was greeted with tens of thousands of eyes way more than my average 80 or so at ballet recitals.

This was no joke.

"You'll do fine," Trevor said as he walked up on me placing a hand to my back in a comforting matter as he too looked upon the crowd.

"Besides your boyfriend and friends are front row," He smiled.

"Yeah..." I trailed getting a bit irritated at the boyfriend part even though I used to throw it in his face all the time.

Rubbing my back again before disappearing to heck knows where.

"Zendaya here's your mic," A stage manager smiled as she handed me a black standard microphone.

Nodding I took it in my hands and immediately faced the crowd again.

It was about 5 minutes until stage time and I didn't really want to sing anymore. Now that I knew the truth about Dayna I didn't really have the urge to be like her all I wanted to do was figure things out with Trevor.

"Zendaya," Trevor called reappearing as he grabbed my hand and led me out to the darkened stage.

Peter informed me that the stage wouldn't light up until we got situated.

My heart pounded and I couldn't control it as Trevor let go of my hand and walked to his seat as I sat in mine.

Taking a deep breath I put on the biggest smile that I could, ready to amaze this crowd with what I've been rehearsing but mostly relying on Trevor's angelic voice to save the day and make the crowd not want to throw tomatoes at us afterwards.

I squinted at the crowd and I could easily make out Seb's face he sat front row with Kyle and already had his iphone out ready to capture this moment.

Tegan said she would be coming too but I couldn't make her out.

Gulping I heard a loud thud on the stage causing me to advert my attention back to Trevor and I could see him hurdled on the floor and I made no hesitations as I nearly flew to his side.

He was clutching the left side of his neck and in a instant he began to shake uncontrollably.

Panicking I looked around the state but no one was around and the lights still weren't coming on so the crowd had absolutely no idea what was happening.

"Trevor!" I screamed turning him to his side trying to stop his shaking as much as I could.

He wasn't dying like this even if I didn't know him as well.

Hearing boots stomp onto the stage my heart leapt with hope.

"Nice to see you again Zendaya," A man with yellow crooked teeth whom I've never seen before smiled down at me.

"Who are you?" I asked not even caring as I still gave all of my attention to a still shaking Trevor who was literslly scaring the shit out of me.

Reaching for my phone to call the ambulance the crooked teeth man quickly knocked it from my hands and smiled devilishly.

"Looks like your little guy friend has to die now," He smirked. "Get her boys"

All of a sudden two guys appeared from the shadows and grabbed me by my arms dragging me away from Trevor and I kicked and screamed as loud as I could yet the crowd screaming for us was louder so I wasn't heard.

"You can never just leave things how it is can you?" The man spoke before swinging his hand back and letting it rip right over my head.

Knocking me onto the floor I could see one of the men getting Trevor's body and he looked so lifeless.

My eyes shut within seconds not wanting to believe that he had just been killed right in front of me.

"Let's go see the Chief,"


I was stuffed into the back of a van with a bag over my head for about 30 minutes before the van came to a stop and I was shoved into some type of building.

My eyes were stained with tears.

If they just murdered Trevor in cold blood without hesitation what the hell would they do to me?

All my brain could do was think about the
Omeđen Krvi and how they were most likely behind all of this.

Pulling the bag from my head I was sat in a chair and I was almosf blinded from the light since I was cut off from it for half an hour.

"Zendaya...." another man said my name in such a disappointing manner I thought he was my mother for a few seconds.

Shaking his head he came closer to me and I could see that he wore all black suit with a dark blue tie and it all looked so expensive.

"Why don't you listen?" He mocked. "The last time you were here I told you to live your life like you normslly would yet you disobeyed,"

Moving my eyebrows in confusion I still couldnt wrap my head around the fact that he had just killed the only person I could trust.

"Oh yeah," He laughed loudly. "I wiped your memory of course you wouldn't have known," He hit himself upside the head playfully.

"Why'd you kill Trevor," I spat angrily and this time the urge for vengeance definitely outshined the urge to cry.

His laugh stopped so swiftly as my questioned sucked the joy right from His face.

"Because he tried to turn you against me," Was his answer. "All the lies he fed you about Dayna and you're so niave that you believed him,"

Letting this total stranger continute talking I just sat there wide eyed.

"He's the bad guy Zendaya! He killed Dayna without a second glance yet you believe his lies because he's a pretty face?"

I could feel my hands start to tremble.

"Has he told you how bad the Omeđen Krvi men are and has he even took you to his little hide out and give you a piece of the action life?" the man said. "Pretended to cut a tracker put of your neck?"

Not answering him I remained quiet.

"If Dayna was here she could tell you he did the same thing to her and now look where she's ended up,"

Sniffling I didn't know what to believe yet all of me was dying to know more.

"That's why I want you to join me Zendaya," The man smiled. "There are more killers out there just like Trevor and I need your help to take them out,"

"Why me?" I finally spoke and it made his smile turn sinister.

"Because there's no one else quite like you dear,"


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