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Slowly peeling open my eyes I winced at how bright the room lights were.

Where was I?

Trying to lift myself from the bed I was on but not being able to move my arms with the test tubes in them I then realized I was in a hospital and I had been changed into the night gown and everything.

Yawning I tried remembering the last thing that happened to me and was relieved when I did. I still remembered my dad killing my mom, our epic fight and calling Trevor. This was good that meant my memory hadn't been wiped.

My vital monitor beeped steadily next to me, the only sound in the room other than my breathing.

My head hurt less and I felt very well rested and that was great considering I haven't fully slept in a few days.

The hospital door to my room quietly crept open.

Thinking fast and grabbing the little knife that came with the raunchy hospital food next to my bed I held it tight in the palm of my hands waiting for my attacker to make a move.

"Zendaya!" Seb smiled once he had saw that I was awake.

Oh it was only Seb I told myself as I began to relax returning the knife to its tray.

Coming to sit down in the brown comforter chair next to me he grabbed my hand in his.

"What were you doing out there all alone and with a semi concussion?" He asked.

Pulling my hand back from his I felt really uncomfortable with him touching me. Yet I also felt bad because we never really did break it off.

Realizing that I didn't want him touching me Seb placed his hands on his lap in one motion but still kept his same smile.

"You haven't been to school, you haven't been to ballet practice, you haven't been home nor have you been answering your phone," he shook his head. "I was worried then seeing you all jacked up on the side of the rode I didn't know what to think,"

I couldn't tell him what was really going on for two reasons. One he wouldn't understand and two he could already know because he was working for the Chief.

"I don't know what to say," I mumbled playing with the hem of my hospital night gown.

"Well you can start with why were you on the side of the road with a bloody nose," he spoke.

Eying him suspiciously I shrugged. "Got in a fight with my dad,"

Boy, was that the understatement of the year.

"I stole his car but not before thinking reverse was drive and hitting my head on the steering wheel," I laughed trying to get him to fall for this story.

Biting the inside of his cheek Seb didn't look fooled.

We kind of just stared at each other for a split second and honestly I couldn't handle it.

Sitting myself up I removed the tube from my arm and flipped my legs over the bed ready to rock and roll out of this joint.

"Woah where are you going?" Seb fretted.

"I'm leaving, I'm pretty busy," I told him as I stood up looking for the clothes I had came in with making sure to hold the back of this god forsaken night gown so I wouldn't flash him with my underwear.

"With what?" He asked. "Like I've said before you haven't been to any of your regular places... you don't even call me and I'm supposed to be your boyfriend.. right?"

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