TWSM · Chapter 9

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Consciousness came back to me in itty bitty pieces as my head throbbed from where I hit the floor so hard.

My ears still buzzed and I felt drowsy like I hadn't slept in two days but between us that feeling was already well known.

Coming back to reality I realized my mouth was taped shut while my hands and feet were binded together the same way.

Scrambling myself up from the floor I sat on my behind and looked at my surroundings but all I could see was a door and a tiny window above it that beemed in a little light.

I was in some type of cellar.

Oh my god. This was the end of the line for me wasn't it?

Closing my eyes and praying to every god there was I was still in so much pain, I was sure I had a mini concussion from that fall how hard my head throbbed.

Where was I? Did they really come to finish the job?

Scooting towards the door I was getting scraped up by the many rocks linning the floors and it hurt like hell.

Stopping at the wall I nearly lost my mind when I saw what was carved into it.

Dayna Coleman 1375

She had been here..

My heart was a lump in my chest as I stared at the wall.

This all had to be some sick joke. It just had to be.

What the hell was 1375?

Holding back my tears I tried to get the tape off of my mouth by using my tongue but nothing worked and they had my hands so tightly wrapped I couldn't even reach for a rock to try and cut myself free.

My breathing stopped once I heard the door creak open.

Backing away as fast as I could a tall slender man came walking in along with two much buffer guys all dressed in black.

Gulping as the slender man came closer to me he bent down to eye level and smiled. His teeth so yellow and so crooked as if he hadn't brushed them in years.

Peeling the tape from my mouth without care he tossed it to the side.

"What do you want!" I yelled out of fear shaking with every word.

His sinister smile dropped once I screamed at him and I was glad it did.

"That's not nice," He pouted before snapping his fingers at the two larger men who then came to me and picked me up with ease.

"No!" I shouted as I tried my best to wiggle away. "Put me down!"

"Take her to Chief," The yellow teeth man spoke.

Chief? Lord this was it.

I tried biting at one the men but found that was a huge mistake because they had covered my mouth with their gigantic dirty hands and it made me feel sick to my stomach.

I couldn't help but let the tears roll down my cheeks. Only the worst of thoughts came into my head I could imagine them cutting my body up into tiny little parts and eating me for dinner.

The men then led me into a much bigger, nicer room with an incredible view of wide open plaines. Where the hell was I?

"Ah, you've finally woken," Another man said as he spun in his evil doctor doom chair to face me.

This had to be some type of joke because seriously? Where's Ashton Kutcher?? Who hoo you punk'd me, ya got me!

The huge men then literally threw my body to the ground and I landed with a loud thud they had purposely reawakened my pulsing headache.

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