TWSM • Chapter 1

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"One, two, spin, three, one, two, spin, three, Arabesque," I hummed along to the beat watching as my dance instructor, Ms. Briggs, taught her ballet class the first new move in our upcoming recital. I'd of course have the dance solo just like countless other times before.

"Wait, Ms Briggs do we Arabesque on two or three for the second set?" My friend Tegan asked before earning a disappointing look from our teacher and groans from the other students.

Looking around the room everyone had their eyes glued to Ms. Briggs waiting on her next move.

"Zendaya would you like to show Ms. Wellington how it's done?" She smiled stepping aside and as I stood the unjustified groans grew louder.

I was used to the way the others acted when she called upon me because she did it so often.

Nodding quickly I got into ready position before she started up the music.

"One, two, spin, three," I counted. "One, two, spin, three, Arabesque." I finished off with ease as Ms. Briggs clapped shooting the class a glare making them clap as well.

"And that's how it's done," I smiled before returning to my seat on the floor alongside Tegan who looked a tad bit annoyed.

"I hate it when you show off," She frowned before adverting her attention back to Ms. Briggs.

Staring at Tegan I couldn't help but get angry at her.

"What's the point of being good if you can't show off?" I questioned raising an eyebrow at her but all she did was send me a loud huff in return.

I have to show off. Showing off shows my parents that I'm doing better than anyone else, and that I'm number one.

I have to prove to my parents that I'm just as good as Denice was, because I'm all they have left. And I will not disappoint.

Practice today felt as if it lasted a thousand days.

Releasing my hair from its sloppy bun I let it fall loosely onto my shoulders as I massaged it using my fingers as a comb.

Putting away my ballet items into my locker I was the only girl left considering I stayed longer than needed to.

Staring at myself in the mirror I had hanging in there I sighed heavily at the bags forming under my eyes, it felt as if I hadn't slept in weeks when in reality it had only been two days.

In between ballet practice, endless hours of studying and my AP Honors classes I had absolutely no time to sleep or even think about it for that matter.

"Daya!" Someone called my name as I jumped from being startled turning around to face my boyfriend Sebastian or Seb for short.

"What are you doing in here?" I grinned walking over to him and giving him a quick sweet kiss to the lips.

Hugging me he then pulled away showing me his phone.

"Look how many times I've called you," he shook the phone around in my face. "You know I hate it when you don't answer,"

Slapping my forehead lightly I sighed before reaching into my bag and pulling out my phone, forgetting I had the darn thing at all.

"I get so wrapped up in-

"In being the top of the top, blah, blah," he rushed as he picked up my bag and slung it across his shoulder. "Hurry we gotta go, we're meeting Tommy and the rest of em at The Grove,"

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