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"Drop the gun Kyle or Zendaya's lover boy is dead,"

The scene before me was something out of a nightmare.

Trevor's eye looked as if was swelling from the beating Seb and Tommy gave him and it was making my stomach churn.

Seb had his gun pointed directly near Trev's temple while Tommy stood in front of them protectively in case Kyle or I mad any harsh decisions.

Kyle wasn't backing down though. He still had his gun aimed at Seb and standing tall, half of his body was shielding mine like my life was more important than Trevor's or even his.

"Sebastian..." My voice quivered as I made my way around Kyle trying to ease our way out of this.

"Don't fucking Sebastian me Zendaya!" He yelled tightening his grip around Trevor's collar. "This is who you broke up with me for? This lowlife amateur who's probably behind Dayna's whole death?"

Taken aback by the words that fled from his mouth I stopped moving and all I could was stare.

"You thought you're little circle were the only ones who knew about Dayna.. the Chief and any other crazy shit that's been happening?" He cocked a smirk clearly proud of catching me off guard.

"You don't know anything about Dayna!" I yelled out of impulse I didn't want him saying her name or even thinking it.

Shaking his head disappointingly he sighed.

"I know more than you think," he spoke. "And before you ask no I'm not working for the Chief, no I'm not apart of some secret spy agency crap," he laughed.

Kyle had moved closer to me but Seb nor Tommy didn't notice considering they were too caught up in the lies spilling from his mouth.

"I learned everything I need to know from this guy right here," Seb said releasing his free hand from Trevor's collar and slapping it down on his shoulder and shaking him a bit.

"He's a fraud Zendaya but you don't see it because you're a fucking idiot and you think you love him,"

Looking down at Trevor who had blood dripping from his lip I've come to learn not to believe anything the enemy says about him. In all of this Trevor has been the only person to have my back.

"You're right," I said as I flopped my arms down at my side this oughta be a big enough distraction. "I do love him,"

"You- you, what?" Seb spoke but it wasn't his words that made me almost choke. His eyes said it all, they became glossy in a matter of seconds as if he were trying to hold back tears.

Right at that moment Kyle shot Tommy square in the middle of his forehead and Trevor flipped himself upward grabbing Kyle by the wrist and twisting the gun from his head and I couldn't help but scream the sight before me.

Tommy's brains were scattered all over the floor and Kyle's living room wall. It was disgusting but I couldn't look away.

I've known this boy for most of my teenage life and there he was lying dead against the wall. I was stunned at how fast it all had happened and how normal Kyle seemed afterwards like he did these sort of things on a daily basis.

Kyle now had his gun pointed at Seb who Trevor had pinned against the front door.

Seb was looking at me.

Out of the gun aimed at his head and the guy threatening to choke him to death he was staring at me with that same hurt in his eyes.

"Zendaya pass me his gun," Trevor ordered.

I realized I was up against the opposite wall probably backed into it out of fear.

The gun was right near my feet but I couldn't bring myself to get it because I knew what was going to happen if I gave it to him.

"Zendaya," he called again but now looking at me. "Pass me the gun,"

Gulping I looked over at Kyle who was also staring at me and he nodded in agreement to Trevor.

Crouching down until my fingers grazed the cold metal of the gun I jumped at the feeling.

Seb was pleading with his eyes and I felt so bad because I knew he wasn't going to be the kind of guy to beg for his life.

Picking up the gun and handing it to Trevor with slow sudden footsteps I immediately ducked into the opposite room before the gun went off. It sounded louder this time around. I was literally afraid of what I would see if I went back in there.

"How'd they get you," Kyle asked and it was freaking me out how he was acting so normal about killing people he's known for years.

"They caught me driving about two blocks back," Trevor said nonchalantly.

I slid myself onto the floor as both the boys came walking into the room.

"Are you ready to go?" Trevor asked crouching down and placing a hand on my shoulder.

Quickly brushing him off my eyes bugged out of head. "Don't," I shivered. "Do not touch me,"

Kyle stepped a few feet back and I was glad he did. I wouldn't have said it out loud but I was now terrified of him but more so what he was capable of.

"We have to go," Trevor said calmly ignoring what I had just done to him.

Kyle pulled out his cellphone and again shook his head in agreement with Trevor. "Cops will be here in about 3 minutes,"

What couldn't their spy gadgets do? I'd be surprised if they couldn't travel through time with them.

Standing myself up and dusting off the back of my jeans I debated climbing out of the window so I wouldn't have to walk pass Seb which was on route to the back door.

But I walked passed him anyway, well more like ran but not before seeing a glimpse of him slumped in the corner all light from his eyes gone.

I nearly threw up.

Feeling my back pocket to make sure the drive was still there I sighed in relief when it was.

Turns out Kyle had a getaway car underneath his garage. A whole hidden level I bet his parents didn't even have a clue about.

Who was this guy?

Jumping in the back seat it didn't take long for Kyle to speed off leaving our friends dead on his house floor.


Guys I'm sorry it takes so long for me to upload it's just that I still can't get over the fact that Trevor Jackson cheated on Zendaya!!!! Yes you read that right like is he serious!?? So coming back to write this story just gets me mad to the point where I want Trevor out of my story completely and replace him with someone better.

Tom Holland perhaps :) #TomDaya, but yeah seriously I'm considering going through every chapter and changing Trevor's name to someone else's so maybe that could help me update more.

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