TWSM • Chapter 27

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My heart was pounding out of my chest but I couldn't stop running.

Even when I exited the building my legs just kept going not stopping till they began to ache.

I had no idea what time it was but it was dark. My phone was dead and I had a loaded pistol in my jacket pocket.

My mind was racing and I felt light headed.

I still couldn't believe Dayna was alive and was behind everything that went wrong in my life. How could she hate me to the point of killing our parents to see me suffer. We both had to deal with their learning methods if anything we needed to stick together.

My whole view on the situation went down the toilet once I knew Dayna was behind everything.

With the resources she had I no chance against her right now. It was either I run for my life or she finds me and kills me.

Suddenly a car pulls up next to me causing me to jump from my bones. Had Dayna found me already.

Ready to pull the pistol from my jacket I calmed down a bit once they began rolling down the window.

"Trevor," I grimaced.

"Get in, we have to get out of here!" He spoke in a rushed manner while popping the locks to the car.

"You're right I do have to get out of here," I corrected him as I hurried and pulled the gun from my pocket. Jogging over to the driver side window I banged the gun against the glass and it broke easily.

"Out of the car Jackson," I urged opening the car door for him.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" He said getting out of the car slowly.

"I'm never letting you close to me again Trevor what about that don't you understand?" I shrugged.

"Nobody is saying we have to be close!" He yelled making me hold the gun even tighter. "All I'm saying is we both have the need to stay alive in common,"

"Move faster," I ignored him.

"Look, look,look," he begged. "Can you just drive me far enough away from your sister then we don't ever have to see each other again, I promise,"

"Fuck your promises Trevor!" I hugged my emotions getting the better of me.

"I'm sorry that I did what I did to you," he said. "I thought I was doing the right thing..."

I remained quiet. I just really wanted him to move from the car.

Shooting the gun up at the sky to warn him I wasn't joking around he still stood in front of me. He acted like I wouldn't shoot him in the leg or something.

"Zendaya we either do this together or I'm leaving your ass here," he stated like he had the advantage.

"If you don't move I will shoot you in the knee caps," I informed him aiming the gun towards his knees.

"Do it," he tried to provoke me. "Do it Zendaya! What else do I have to lose?"

"You have three seconds," I tried giving him more chances. "One..."

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