TWSM • Chapter 15

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My body ached.
All I could see was smoke and my ears were ringing like never before, it even hurt to breathe.

"Trevor?!" I called out in a panic shifting my eyes left to right quickly getting a glimpse of him outside the car laying face down.

Groaning loudly I fought the urge to cry out because of the pain, my body felt twisted.

"Trevor!" I called again hoping he'd pop up and save the day but when he didn't budge I figured it was my turn to save him.

The car wasn't turned over or anything it was just smashed into a tree and the hood was smoking badly I had to get out of here before it blew and I'd be history.

I've never felt pain like this before I thought as I struggled to get the door open it felt as if my bones were cracking with every movement but I couldn't give up, Trevor couldn't die like this.

Finally getting out of the car I rested against it my whole world spinning and I'm pretty sure the vision in my left eye was blurred.

I had to literally crawl over to Trevor's body because walking made me feel like hell was on earth.

"Trevor?" I spoke turning him  over with the last of the strength I had in me. He was still breathing which was a good sign.

He mumbled something I couldn't hear but it didn't look like he had any major problems probably just stunned and ya know still blind.

Placing my ear near his mouth so I could hear his words more clearly I waited for him to speak but before he could say anything I heard leaves crunching making me panic.

Dodging into a pile of leaves and literally dragging Trevor along with me despite his groans and moans of agony I shushed him before he got us caught.

"Zendaya?" A familiar voice called out and I was shook.

Peeking from the pile I laid eyes on Tegan whom I hadn't heard from in forever.

How'd she get here? How'd she know I was here?

"I followed you and that Trevor guy from school..." she sounded scared. "Didn't know what I was getting into though..."

"Show yourself or your friend dies," the man from the car spoke loudly as he too came into view a loaded pistol aimed at Tegan's skull.

Gulping quietly I didn't know whether to believe her or him.

I still never got over the fact that one of the closest people to me could possibly be betraying me.

I stayed quiet

"You've got three seconds," the man yelled causing Tegan to shriek as she stood terrified.

Rolling over toward the car and away from Trevor so they wouldn't get him too I sighed as I stood from the rummage with my hands above my head in surrender mode.

The man swiftly pushed Tegan out of his way as she fell to the ground with a loud thud.

The gun was now aimed directly at me.

My heart rate sped up not sure whether to try to run because honestly who could out run a bullet? And what if they shot Tegan for my actions? I would never be able to live with myself.

The man with the gun started walking towards me and I fought the urge to piss everywhere out of fright. Wait that would scare him off wouldn't it....

He landed the tip of the pistol right on my forehead and I could feel the beads of sweat starting to drip from my head.
I was beginning to get all clammy.

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