TWSM • Chapter 26

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Oh my god.

"Unchain her,"

Grabbing the keys from the large desk that filled most of the room Trevor made his way over to me and began doing what he was told.

I still sat down not having the courage to turn and face Dayna. She's dead, she's been dead I saw her get killed with my own two eyes so how was this possible?

"She's scared," Trevor laughed at me.

If I could get my brain to make my legs move my first action would be to scratch this guys face off. He's been testing me this whole time he wants me to knock his block off.

Since she figured out I wasn't going to face her she decided to walk in front of me instead.

"Zendaya," she smiled and I couldn't believe my eyes. There she was in flesh and blood like her death never happened.

Dayna was always taller than me by a inch or two and we looked fairly alike except she had taken on our fathers freckles. She looked stunning for someone who's been dead to the public.

"Well aren't you going to say hello to me?" She exclaimed knocking me from my daydreams.

"How?" Was the only thing that slipped from my mouth.

"Well that's such a broad question," she replied with a smile. "How what? How did I escape death when you clearly saw me get shot AND saw my dead body or how did I get my hair so curly?"

She started bouncing her curls around. "Most likely it's the second how because sister sorry to tell you but your hair looks so flat,"

Ignoring her ignorance I started to think to myself. If she was the only who was truly behind all of this she's the one who got mom killed and my friends.

"Earth to Zendaya?" She cried out. "What do I have to do to get you to pay attention to me for god sakes I died and came back to life!"

"How are you alive Dayna?" I asked still not making a move from the chair.

"Finally," she breathed taking a seat upon the desk and folding her legs so they were pretzel like. "Turns out there's a lot of money in exposing corrupt corporations so I got myself a little bit too involved,"

Nodding so she would know I was keeping along it urged her to continue but she paused for a good three seconds before she did.

"Listen this isn't some silly bad guy good guy movie where I tell you my clever evil plan and then you find a even more clever way to weasel yourself out and save the day. So let's just say I got too involved and I was supposed to die that day," she spoke all at once.

"I did get shot, it hurt like a bitch but I pushed through and decided to take over the Omeđen Krvi because I could. The information I had the Chief shaking at his knees so of course he had to follow my lead,"

"What do I have to do with any of this Dayna?!" I raised my voice. "And mom? Why'd you have her killed?"

"Can you believe the Chiefs real name is Paul? I know right? Very anticlimactic..." she dragged on.

Rolling my eyes I began to doubt if this even really was Dayna. She was never this stupid.

"You have nothing to do with it Z," She shrugged. "I just hated you and I wanted to watch you and everyone you love burn,"

I didn't understand what was happening at all.

"Everything that's happening to you is just out of me wanting to see you in pain," she laughed. "Oh and yeah I needed the Dayabox too,"

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