TWSM · Chapter 7

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I was sitting on my room floor on the gigantic pink fluffy carpet I had in front of my bed.

Soft classical music played in the foreground and I had my science textbooks sprawled out everywhere and so were my notes but I couldn't make myself focus. It had been a full week and still all I could think about was how Seb might have hit Kyle.

The real question was should I trust Seb, my longtime boyfriend of three years or Trevor my short time um- friend? Of two months?

Mother and father were out of the house doing heck knows what since they didn't really tell me anything unless it was reminding me on how much I wasn't their precious Dayna.

They made me despise Dayna sometimes. I know it's horrible to say but they honestly made me feel like I could never live up to her no matter how hard I tried. They always made me feel worthless and they knew it.

Kicking my science book I immediately regretted it as I grabbed by big toe that had been hurt in the process.

"Oowee," I whined rubbing it gently.

Trevor had been avoiding me, he even got our schedules with Peter Myers changed when we both have to go on honda stage in less than two weeks. Sure we were good but I wanted us to be great.

Why was my life always one big wreckage?

Standing up I eased out of my room and walked down the empty hall. It was so silent I could hear myself breathing.

Stopping in front of Dayna's room I heard sounds coming from inside.

I was stuck.

My legs refused to move and my brain just stopped functioning together.

Hearing the movement get closer to the door I nearly pissed myself before finally taking back control over my body and jetting towards my room making sure I locked the door behind me.

Diving for my phone I fumbled with it before dialing 911.

I was so beyond scared.

"There's someone in my house!" I half whispered and half yelled into the phone. "3227 West Gromer's Drive,"

Oh my god I was going to be taken. Like that movie with Liam Neeson but instead of my father being a super spy and saving the day I'd surely end up dead in the next 24 hours.

Breathing heavily with the phone still clenched tightly in the palm of my hand I ran up to my door and laid my ear against it trying to see if I could hear anything.

"Hello!?" I whispered into the phone looking down at it and realizing it had went dead on me. I didn't even know what time it died so I could have been talking to static this whole time.

Oh my god.

My only charger was downstairs along with the house phone.

Taking several deep breaths I quietly unlocked my room door and when I say I ran for dear life down those stairs I'm telling you I was sonic.

Snatching the house phone off the hook I was about to dial 911 when I was grabbed and a hand was placed over my mouth.

I kicked and I screamed with all my might but I was firmly pinned against the downstairs wall.

"Open your eyes!" My attacker whispered but I refused.

"God damn Zendaya open your eyes," The voice repeated and it sounded oddly familiar.

Peeking open one eye I spotted Trevor.

I was still shaking but for some reason seeing him calmed me.

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