TWSM · Chapter 6

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It's been a whole day and my mom still hadn't even talked to me about not showing up to my recital, she waltz around the house as if she hadn't crushed me from the inside out.

I didn't even bother checking up on my dad because what was the point?

Handing my mother her morning cup of coffee she swiftly returned to her office where she practically lived now a days.

I cancelled everything today.

Literally everything, if they didn't care why should I? No school, no ballet practice, no vocal coaching no anything today. I was fed up.

I wasn't surprised when my mom didn't even notice I wasn't dressed for school because she never noticed anything about me anymore.

Guiding myself to the living room I eased my way onto the couch and clicked on the t.v. I haven't watched t.v in ages I honestly forgot we had one.

Kicking up my feet I laid back and looking at the t.v but then I suddenly started to panic.

Hopping up from the couch I dodged up the stairs heading for my room. What was I thinking I couldn't miss school nor ignore any of my responsibilities.

If doing what I'm told made them disapprove what would me doing nothing bring?

I was out of the house and at school in 30 minutes flat.

Huffing and puffing as I took my seat next to Kyle he seemed off because instead of his head in his phone he wore a nice pair of shades and was paying attention to the teacher for once.

"Who are you and what have you done with Kyle?" I asked. "Did your phone finally give out on you?"

Shaking his head Kyle just began doodling in his notebook.

"Why the shades indoors?" I chuckled grabbing them off of his face and he tried to grab them back but he was too late.

"Kyle!" I gasped once I saw what he was hiding underneath those frames; his fat swollen eye. It looked as if someone took a hammer to it the way it puffed up all black and blue.

Snatching his shades back he quickly put them back on.

"Who did this to you?" I asked.

"I should have just kept my mouth shut," He mumbled.

"Huh?" I said not catching on to what he meant.

The bell rang signaling the end of class and I never saw Kyle move so fast the way he got up from his seat and exited the room.

Getting up and walking into the hallway I checked to see if I could still catch him but he was long gone, disappearing into the crowd.

I had to tell Seb and Tommy that our friend might have problems. If he wouldn't talk to me about it I knew he'd talk to them.

Texting Seb asking where he was he replied that he was at his locker and so that's where I was going next.

Walking up to his locker he was there with Tegan and Tommy which was perfect.

"I'm glad you're all here," I spoke.

"Why are we even talking to her man?" Tommy rudely stated. "Couldn't even come to her own party,"

I had forgot all about that celebration crap from yesterday.

"I'm not even here about me," I said glaring at Tommy who looked like he could care less.

"It's Kyle!" I whined. "He has a black eye! I think he needs us,"

All three of them said nothing.

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