TWSM • Chapter 16

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Yawning loudly I stretched as far as the back seat of Kyle's getaway car would let me.

Wiping at my eyes I could see that the car was parked outside of an old warehouse. Trevor and Kyle were nowhere to be found making me panic slightly.

How long had I been out?

Quickly climbing from out of the car I scrambled to my feet and got low to the ground just in case the bad guys trapped my pals and were coming back for me. They'd never see me from the ground ha, just ask Jason Bourne!

Crouching near the window of the warehouse and peeking inside from where the glass was broken off a bit I eyed the area and spotted both Trevor and Kyle talking in whispers with a blonde lady in a pantsuit.

Standing up and dusting myself off I entered the warehouse only for their whispers to become complete silence.

Folding my arms against my chest I frowned. Weren't we passed this whole leave Zendaya out of things phase?

"Zendaya this is Viv a trusted ally, and Viv this is Zendaya," Trevor introduced us and we shook hands as people normally would.

Walking all in my personal space Viv eyed me up and down.

Smiling Viv touched my cheek which did nothing but creep me out.

"Gosh you look just like her," She looked amazed and I just knew she was talking about Dayna. Did everybody know the real her except for me?

"Don't get weird Viv," Kyle pushed her back from me a bit.

Putting her hands up in surrender Viv nodded. " I'm sorry it's just that I miss her so much,"

"We all do," I spoke stuffing my hands in the pockets of my jeans.

"So let's get the fuckers who killed her," Viv's calm attitude suddenly turned vicious. " Kyle come with me,"

I watched as the two disappeared into a back room without any second words.

Turning towards Trevor he still looked a little beaten up like he needed 12 spa days just to get through the week. 

"Dayna and Viv were like together," Trevor said scratching his head. "They weren't official but everybody knew how they felt about each other.."

"Wow," I sighed walking away from him the room all of a sudden getting smaller. "The death must have really hurt her then huh?"

Nodding Trevor followed behind me.

I didn't know where I was going but it seemed like my legs did as they carried me up the broken creaky stairs of the warehouse and into a busted up room with the wallpapers peeling from the top.

"Did I ever know her?" I asked knowing he wouldn't know the answer. "I looked up to Dayna for so many years, I beat myself up for not being her perfect replica for my parents and I didn't even know I was trying to live up to someone who lived a lie every time they opened their eyes."

Walking closer to me Trevor wrapped his arm over my shoulder trying to comfort me.

"Do you know how hard it was trying to please two people who wished you were someone else?" I questioned and I couldn't help the tears starting to form in my eyes. "Dayna knew the pain they put me through and yet she still waltzed around like she was little miss perfect when in reality she was a literal double agent!"

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