TWSM • Chapter 17

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Trevor kept talking to me yet I couldn't hear what he was saying.

It's like words were coming from his mouth but they weren't reaching my ears yet everything else around me was so loud. The cars passing by, the birds in the trees and even the sun seemed like it was shining a bit too bright.

My mother is dead. My sister is dead. My dad? Oh my god my dad.

"I have to call my dad!" I panicked every bone in my body wishing he was still alive. Grabbing for my phone in my pocket I rapidly typed in my dad's number and pressed call. You wouldn't understand how heart-wrenching waiting for him to answer was.

"Zendaya?" His old worn out voice filled my ears and the biggest wave of relief washed over me, I couldn't believe it.

Holding the phone to my chest I smiled even though it pained me too. "He's alive" I mouthed to Trevor who was still watching over me all protective like.

"Dad, where are you? Have you been home?" I asked.

"No, what's wrong?" He said the tone of his voice rising.

"Oh no nothing it's just that I've been staying with Seb and I miss you, dad," I lied so that I wouldn't freak him out and he'd end up the next dead person on the Cheif's list.

"Well, this is my lunch hour you can come and visit for a second we haven't had lunch together since you were ten," He chuckled at the memory.

This conversation was making me so happy because he's all I have left.

"Sure dad," I grinned. "Be there in a jiffy,"

Hanging up the phone I waited for Trevor to say something but that moment never came.

Realizing we were pulled over at a gas station I got out of the car and breathed.

My world was without a doubt falling apart.

"I'm going to go see my dad," I stated bending down to the car window so I was eye to eye with Trevor.

"We have to go to Dayna's locker," Trevor said.

"You and Kyle can go to Dayna's locker," I corrected and he made me remember the key as I took the Daya Box from underneath my shirt and tossed it to him. "I'm going to eat lunch with my dad,"

Hopping out of the car Trevor stood right beside me.

"Then I'm going with you,"

Walking out of the gas station with a bag full of junk food Kyle fell in place and stood on the other side of me.

"I'll be fine, it's my dad he won't hurt me," I tried to calm Trevor's nerves and also gave Kyle a glance so he'd be on my side.

"You can't trust him.." Trevor cooed. "He's working with the Governor,"

"Kyle, can you give us a minute?" I asked.

"Sure no problem I'll just walk to the other side of the deserted highway," He said sarcastically as he trudged away.

Rolling my eyes at Kyle's remark I grinned before walking closer to Trevor and placing my hands on his chest in a comforting manner.

 Smoothing out his collar I smiled.

"Thank you for caring about me," I began. "But as long as I'm on the run with you more people are going to end up like my mom or like Dayna and I can't handle that," 

"Zendaya pl-,"

"Ssh, shh," I plead interrupting his sentence. "Just listen okay?"

Sagging his shoulders in defeat Trevor nodded indicating me to go on.

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