64- To the girl, that was here

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"Do visit more often" she says, as she bids us a goodbye, "and bring over your boyfriend too."

Alec and I stand at the doorway biding her another see you later when she assumes that Alec is my boyfriend. We steal glances at each other and my heart is beating like the beat of a drum. I can feel blood rush up to my cheeks painting them a deep fuchsia.

"Well... umm... he isn't... my boyfriend" I deny my mind whirring at even the possibility. I can see the hint of light pink on the freckles on Alec's cheeks but at least he doesn't make a fool out of himself by tripping on his words like me.

"Oh! I am sorry I assumed" she says, "but nevertheless you would make a great couple." I think I am scarlet red from her assumptions and even embarrassed by my reactions to them.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," Alec says confidently thankfully changing the subject by extending his hand to shake hers.

"I am sorry I couldn't attend you well" she apologizes to Alec, "you shouldn't leave this early."

"I am sorry ma'am but we were here in this town for another purpose and people might be expecting us back home" he explains her responsibly.

"I will be looking forward meeting you again Ellie," she tells me and then reaches forward to grasp me in a hug. But she stops in the process, feeling quite out of place and then we brush away the whole incident awkwardly.

"I will try to reconnect" I promise with an intention to keep. And we soon part ways.

"You okay?" Alec asks me as the engine buzzes to life and the car accelerates back onto the highway to our town.

I rest my head on the window sill of the car letting the air brush my hair behind and wash away the scars that had been printed a long while back.

"Well she is a great lady" I comment looking at him as he glances at me worried. "It is just that I feel so drained after the small conversation."

"It must be like meeting a completely new person"

"Yeah" I hum in agreement, "but I am glad I met her."

"I told you so," he says with a smirk.

"Well I think I really needed the closure, I needed to know why she left me in the first place."

"I wish even I had the chance for that closure" he dreams as he looking straight ahead as he keeps driving, his thoughts an aimless wanderer.

"Whom are you talking about," I ask readjusting in my seat, letting the childlike curiosity within me have a chance. "Sorry you don't have to answer that" I repent immediately, waiting for him to change the topic like he always does.

"Well it was Kylie that I lost," he says, his eyes brushing the glistening tears.

"I think that," I say pointing at a milkshake parlor a block away, "I think it is a great place to collect our thoughts."

"Well then as you say," he says with a smile that quite doesn't reach his eyes. We park the car outside the white building with colors of the rainbow outshining the summer heat that blazes down us.

The cool air conditioner that hits me as I step inside makes me sigh in relief. I order a raspberry shake and a chocolate one and take them back to the car where Alec awaits.

"Here you have your order," I tell him handing him the raspberry one as I take my place in the passenger seat. I notice his blood shot red eyes and ask in concern, "Are you okay?"

"How do you do this Autumn?" he asks helpless.

"Do what?"

"You know face your past with such strength. Accept it the way it is, all defenseless and vulnerable like it doesn't matter how battered it would leave you" he says with a slight chuckle to fake to the tears that drip down his eyes.

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