44- The clock strikes

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"Do you think I should go with blue or black?" Adeline asks me and I turn around to see her holding onto two dresses.

"I think blue, it suits you better," I tell her.

Her eyes light up in excitement. "I thought of that too," she tells me with joy. I just nod to her and give her a watery smile, my thoughts already plagued by the only boy I had ever given my heart to. And I don't know where it is anymore.

Adeline seems to notice my lack of focus and walks up to me. She rests her hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner and soothingly tells me, "It's okay if things between you guys are rocky. They are meant to be. Falling in love is easy but staying together is hard." And then after a moment of thought, she suggests, "You can talk to him today and sort out your problems. It's New Year's Eve and he won't ignore you."

I smile at her this time. I have been thinking of approaching him and finally talking it out. I want to sit with him and just talk. Like old times. Tell him how I feel that he has changed and I miss the old him. The boy that brought me lilies took me on dates, kissed me goodbye, stole my heart with his sweet texts all day and most of all wept his heart out to me in those late night conversations.

I don't want to shout or argue with him, I just want to talk to him and tell him how I miss my old friend. My old dear friend that taught me everything I am today and stood for me whenever I was tired of fighting anymore. I miss that old friend and I want him back.

Adeline seeing me smile at least momentarily goes to the washroom to change. It is the 31st of December today and we are attending this huge party to watch the New Year fireworks and just enjoy. I haven't talked to Daniel since Christmas. After that argument in the car, we have exchanged barely more than two words with each other. When we reached Adeline's place that night both of us were severely upset and spent the rest of the evening just physically being there. I left the get together early and didn't even ask for a ride from someone in fear of being questioned about my behavior, so I just walked home.

Adeline seemed to understand and came home the next day to see if I was doing well. I assured her that I had a fight with Daniel but refused to talk about it. I felt like talking about it would finally make my problems real and true and believe me, I feared that the most, so I have just been glum the past few days and have cut myself off from excessive contact with my friends.

Meghan along with her pet monsters has flown to New York for the day to watch the ball drop at twelve and I have come to Adeline's house to get ready for the party. Willow isn't there with us today as she has been spending her time with Dylan and making the most of his time here. I did see them at Christmas and it was adorable to see them together.

"Ellie, you look stunning" Adeline compliments when she comes out of the washroom to see me already changed into a red dress that I borrowed from her. I smile at her.

"Please give up that frown, for tonight at least" she begs me and I smile wider for her satisfaction.

"See Ellie, destiny is a rollercoaster. You can't control it. You just got to enjoy the ride" she advises and I try my best to stop sulking.

It isn't hard anymore after a while. Alec comes to pick us up in his fancy car that he borrowed from his dad for the day and we jam to 5 seconds of summer throughout the journey which surprisingly entertains all of us. Alec doesn't mind a bit of rock music but Adeline, on the other hand, is only into pop music and I love all the metal and rock bands so somehow the band seems to fit all our criteria and we have so much fun dancing in the car and having our own mini concert in the car.

The party is also extremely fun. I spot Willow with Dylan, Alissa, Sarah, Sam, Becca and a bunch of friends from school. I even find Chris and Adeline and they have an awkward conversation where both of them just can't get over their blushing and talk properly. Alec and I make Adeline regret even having a conversation in front of us by teasing the hell out of her the entire night. More people start streaming into the party as the hours pass by and soon it is packed. We play a few games at the beginning of the night like truth or dare, spin the bottle and several others. Many people also compete for downing the most number of shots but deciding to stay sober for the New Year I keep a distance from the alcohol at the party.

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