24- Maybe not Forever

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Weekend rolls by in a blur. It is as quick as the last rays of sunshine kissing the ground goodbye. Fog swivels in the morning like magic mist welcoming winter with open arms. People wrap their coats tighter and walk closer as autumn fades and the merriness of Christmas lays a month and half away from now.

I wake up with joy fuzzing through me and a slight nervousness courses through me as I wait for Adeline to come pick me up. I haven't talked to her since Friday and I don't know how things will be between my friends. When Adeline's car parks in front of my house and I hear her constant grumbling, a smile lights up my face.

May it be the arrival of festivities, or warm rays of summer nothing can ever stop Adeline's constant grumbling on Mondays as she curses the arrival of Monday. I start to sing my Christmas carols loudly which annoys Adeline further.

"Somebody's grumpy" I coo at her even grabbing her cheeks to pull at them but she swats my hand away grumbling further at my presence. She continues to mutter incoherently under her breathe which only earns a chuckle from my side. As we cross the hallways of the school to get to her locker I continue my mini concert of Christmas carols and even skip my steps and try my best to stifle my laughter as Adeline continues to threaten my life in her own child like manner.

We are greeted by Alec beside her locker who greets us with a broad smile. "Take her away from me" Adeline complains to Alec as she opens her locker roughly.

"What happened?'' Alec asks a ghost of a smile playing on his features as Adeline roughly pushes her books inside. "She has been singing Christmas carols since seven in the morning" Adeline reports me as I stand there giving a cheeky grin to Alec.

"Autumn" he mutters tiredly but one cannot miss the amusement in his voice at Adeline's unhappiness.

I stand there smiling to myself like an idiot as relief rushes through me. I was worried for no reason. I am sort of pissed that they decided to spy on me but such unpleasant talks can wait till later.

We stand there mindlessly chattering and laughing at Adeline when Daniel decides to enter our group and before I can comprehend he greets me with a chaste kiss making the bustling noise of the hallways vanish behind me.

"Good morning babe" he greets me as his breath fans my lips.

"Good morning" I reply with a broad smile wishing his lips back on mine

I turn around to face my friends and that's when I realize that though Daniel's greeting seemed to send tingles through my body it also posed as a barrier between my friends as the dreadful Friday night is recalled by everyone.

Adeline shuts her locker door with a bang making me shudder. Alec just stands there with a perpetual scowl etched onto his face. "I cannot believe you are doing this" Adeline says incredulously as she stares at Daniel with disgust.

"Adi..." I sigh tiredly clueless on how to tell her everything from the start without spoiling anyone's mood.

"You know what Ellie? I am tired of you" she says next and turns toward me pointing her finger accusingly over me and then continuing her rant, "How can you do this? He hurt you. Hell, cheated on you and didn't even own up and then left you in pieces. He didn't contact you the entire summer, not even apologizing once. And now barely two months into school and you are back into his arms...how can you?"

"You don't get it Adeline" I say interrupting her speech as she stands there trying her best to maintain her voice so that the entire school cannot hear it. She is pissed would be an understatement

"I don't want to get it" she says

"I had to stand there picking you up piece by piece as you cried everyday over a stupid high school boyfriend. I was there listening to you rant over the smallest things about him over pizzas and ice creams for an entire three months and you forget that like it never happened" she finishes her rant and I hate her for pointing out the truth to me

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