2- By the stars tonight

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The first week of senior year went by in a blur. We were busy with settling down in new classes and adjusting to the new academic year. It was Saturday night and Adeline was staying over at my place to enjoy the last day of our freedom together. Tomorrow Meghan, that is my bitchy and bossy stepmother along with her bratty twins Carla and Carol come back from their summer trip to Miami. They headed to the beautiful paradise this summer leaving me alone here to take care of the house. I don't really mind because serving as their personal slave all the time is not something I look forward to.

"Hey Adeline, it's my last day of freedom" I tell Adeline who is sprawled on the floor reading a book.

"Oh yeah" she drawls and gets up leaving the book behind. "We should do something" she continues.

"Like what?" I ask. Meghan is coming early tomorrow morning, so there is no point.

"Grab a tub of ice cream, play twenty questions for a while and then end up watching movies by which I mean ogle Zac Efron" she says her brown eyes sparkling behind her thick rimmed black glasses. 

"That seems perfect" I agree with a wide smile. You could never get enough of that guy.

"Would you ever go back to Daniel, if you could?" she asks out of nowhere while digging in her chocolate chip ice cream.

"No," I say firmly, "I mean I know I need to get a grip on myself but there is no way I am going to run back into his arms after all ....that". She smiles widely and adds, "Your turn."

"Why can't you trust people again and just make some new friends for a change. It's your last year in high school after all" I say. It's more like another trial to get her to forget stuff and come out of her nutshell.

"Ellie..." she starts clearly flustered. She tugs her hand in her messy brown locks before continuing, "You know why, and I just can't. Plus being in senior year gives me extra pressure to score well and live up to people's expectations. I already have a lot on my plate, I am in no way looking forward to making new friends and dealing with the drama of all that. Besides why would I need another friend when I have you right here baby "she adds in with a slightly creepy smile to lighten the mood. We both crack up at that.

 "Did you think about what you are going to tell Daniel?" Adeline asks once we've calmed down and I frown. Not now...

"Can we just start watching the movie?" I ask my voice rising up a notch to which Adeline flinches but nods eventually. I am sorry, but I don't really want to be reminded of Daniel right now, not when I am enjoying my last day with my best friend before Meghan makes my life a living hell again.

Ten minutes into the movie, and we both are gushing about how hot Zac is and laughing our heads out. Long forgotten is the tension that lay between us before. This is the thing I love about our friendship, even if we get moody or some sort of crap happens, we shovel it behind us in a matter of seconds and we are back to being friends. We don't have to talk it out and make a big fuss about it. What's done is done and nothing could change that. Accept it and move on before more damage is done.

A little eight year old girl sat on the couch huddled in a corner with a frown perpetually etched on her innocent face.  She stared at the television trying to figure out what the show was playing but with the constant yelling and loud banging coming from upstairs she could not find it in herself to concentrate on the show. Her mind constantly went back to that horrible day which she knew very little about. Things had obviously spiraled from that particular day. 

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