54- "Yeah I forgot. He anyways loses his mind every time he sees you"

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"The audition tape is done and it sounds marvelous," Alec tells Adeline proudly. "Not to brag but, I am in love with it," he says for emphasis as the three of us sit in our usual spot. It is a small ice cream parlor, a five-minute walk away from school and a very popular hangout space for all of us students.

"I want to hear it!" Adeline insists with bubbling excitement.

"Sure, I happen to have it on my phone," Alec tells us, fishing out his phone from his backpack. We have been sitting in this ice cream parlor for quite a while since school finished and didn't even bother going home and changing or anything.

"And since I'm trying to spread the word about this band so when Ellie gets in, the band will become even more popular," Alec tells us with pride.

"Hey! If I do get in, you will have to come along. Because it is the both of us recorded in the audition tape" I remind Alec. I don't want to be alone in a college band. All of the three current members of the band are from the local college who thrive to be noticed by a record label and get to make their own album someday.

"I don't know Ellie, I don't think I can pursue a music career or something even if I want to," he tells me and there is a hint of sadness that lies under his sentence. And somehow I know that there is a lot more to his remark.

"Why not?" Adeline asks him.

"Well...." He starts and I see him chewing the inside of his cheek in contemplation. "I just don't think I'm good enough for it" he lies. All lies.

"What about you Ellie, why don't you want to be in the band?" he asks me swiftly turning the tables.

"I play the piano dude. Not exactly a kind of instrument a rock band would need" I point it out to him.

"But maybe they could change their genre of music or something. I mean they do seem a little out of place while playing rock" he tells me knowingly.

"They wouldn't really change for only me. I don't think I'm that important" he frowns at me. I continue to ramble, "But being in the band would be great too. It would help me keep my mind off things"

"I solely believe you should join the band because music makes you happier and making new friends while making music is just too perfect to let go," Adeline tells me.

"True" I agree and then Alec gets up to get us another serving of ice creams while I contemplate how much the band could mean to me.

We are lazily licking our second servings of vanilla ice cream as the afternoon sun glints on the shards of the glass. A buzz of a conversation resting between us.

"I might have to leave soon. Meghan is breathing fire down my nape every time I arrive home a little late" I tell them glancing at the slow ticking hands of my wristwatch.

"I'll drop you. Don't worry" Adeline tells me when someone intervenes.

It is Clarisse, the girl who sits behind me in psychology this term. She is beautiful, the kind that does it without any effort.

"Guys, can I join you?" she asks sweetly and Alec just flashes one of his charming smiles to her. She drops in a chair between Alec and me.

"Thanks" she smiles flinging her tall dark hair behind. "How are you, Adeline? I hate going to Mrs. Caverly's class alone these days. I almost died in her two-hour long lecture yesterday"

"Well, I miss having a partner that made me do all the projects by myself all semester too, " Adeline says with sarcasm and smiles letting her know that she was only joking.

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