46- Stars in our eyes

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Two o'clock

"So this is our first stop," I tell him as I stop the car.

"You have a crazy list Autumn" he comments still staring at the paper in awe.

"I thought you already knew that I was crazy," I tell him with a smile and walk out into the cold night air. Alec follows after me. The lights of the shop shine in the dark of the night and a feeling of happiness overwhelms me. I am out of the house in the middle of the night with no worry that Meghan will ever find out.

"So you want to buy music from this store?" Alec asks me once again in confirmation and stares at me like a lunatic. I only nod at him and remove my beloved camera from my backpack. We earlier stopped by at the mansion to get some things we might need. So I got a backpack filled with all kinds of nonsense and I had to bring my camera to capture tonight's shenanigans. I take a picture of the music store and adore the picture for a minute or two before we decide to enter.

So this music store is a good half an hour drive from my house and I can't often visit it. It is one of the best music stores in town and is open twenty-four hours a day and on all seven days of the week. It may look like one of those high-class stores that only sell pop music but I promise the vinyls that they have at the back of their shop are just wonderful. They have a vast collection of vinyls and cassettes in the back of their shop and I could stay there for hours just browsing through music.

The bell chimes as a welcome sign as we enter the shop. There is a girl about our age snoozing on the counter of the shop, so we tip toe our way to the end of the shop without disturbing her and deciding only to wake her up when we want to check out with our purchases.

"This is....amazing!" Alec remarks as he stares at the endless collection of great music. Shelves filled with CD's and cassettes up to the ceiling.

We spend an hour browsing through all the shelves and I proudly buy everything that I have been looking for for ages. It is pure joy going through the wonderful collections and not having to worry for once. I spend almost all the tips I have saved from the customers at the café on buying more records and can't wait to go home and arrange these records alphabetically with the others. I proudly have a full box of nothing but records under my bed that I have been collecting for ages now. The music played on vinyls is nothing compared to the digital music that we often download. Vinyls are a true joy in themselves.

We also take some crazy sleeve face pictures which are basically using the record sleeves to augment body parts resulting in some cool illusion photography. I take some pictures with some of the best old records and Alec and I kid around taking varied pictures of each other.

Three o'clock

The music shop was pretty addictive and none of us wanted to leave it but in order to tick everything off the list, we finally left the shop with our arms filled with music albums. Alec also bought a few records and he was so happy to know about the shop. He never knew that the shop sold such good music.

"So you think that this is the place we should go to?" I ask Alec for confirmation as I park the car. The next thing on the bucket list is to swim under the stars and every beach is at least an hour drive away from the music shop, we resort to going to this posh hotel.

I am so sure that the security won't let us in but Alec has other plans so on his insistence, we have driven to this hotel. I sling my backpack over my shoulder as I exit the car.

We enter the hotel. It is huge and white tiled. There is a security guard sitting at the entrance but he is sound asleep. He has his face down on the desk and is snoring noisily.

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