16- F.O.O.L.- Falling Out Of Love

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"So what now?" Adeline asked as we sat on our regular lunch table. Like every typical high school, lunch tables determined the hierarchy of the social ladder. We sat a few tables away from the most popular table which was the center of everyone's attention. It has the entire football team, their friends, cheer leading squad and their Malibu Barbie friends. My eyes lingered to the table as Daniel made his way towards his friends.

"Annellie Williams, what is wrong with you" Adeline said threateningly which brought me back to reality

"Huh...?" I asked as Alec and Adeline stared at me dumbfounded

"Get a grip on yourself Autumn. What's wrong with you?" Alec told me gently

"I..." I was at the loss for words. There was no way I could justify myself. "I'm sorry" I ended up saying

"Listen Ellie, can we talk?" Adeline asked me gently.

"Yeah sure" I answered. I expected her to drag me to a secluded place but she didn't move from her seat next to mine and asked, "Do you still love him?"

"Yeah , I do, I don't want to but I do" I answered honestly. Adeline stared at me confusion lining her features. I thought this would be the perfect time to tell my friends about the notes I had been receiving. But they were just two, nothing great. We all seemed to be absorbed in our own thoughts. I slowly forked my cheese pasta on my tray collecting my thoughts. I put the fork in mouth enjoying the melted mozzarella on the pasta and the tangy sauce. Cheese rimmed the tines of my fork and as I was about to lick it Alec's voice startled me and made me jump slightly in my place as he said, "I have an idea." His striking blue eyes glittered with excitement. Adeline also looked up from her plate as she ate another forkful of her mashed potatoes.

"We could do something to make Autumn fall out of love" Alec says

Adeline hits her palm to her forehead, "yeah we know that dumb ass". What was he thinking?

"We could create like a plan or something" he amends when he sees me laughing at his stupidity. At times he would say the most deepest things in life that would make you reconsider your every action and sometimes he would just state the obvious like he's discovered gravity.

"Okay" Adeline says nodding slowly to herself. She pulls out a sketchpad from her bag and opening a fresh page she writes

                                          'FALLING OUT OF LOVE'


with a bold black sketch. I don't know where they are going but I hope it all helps.

"Lesson 1- Do not talk to him" Adeline advises        

"That's not possible" I say immediately and Adeline and Alec quickly turn their heads to me and I bet at least one of them would crack their neck at this speed.

I squirm in their menacing glares but say, "I mean we have the English assignment to do, you know"

"Yeah" they both agree in a defeated unison.

"Revised Lesson 1- Have him deleted from your contacts" Adeline says. Alec nods at her and Adeline just straight up grabs my bag and starts searching through it. "God! Why is it so messy?" she mumbles to herself before digging some more into my purse and finally retrieving my phone.

When the phone asks her for a pass code she doesn't even ask me if I could put it in, without thinking for a moment she types in a few numbers and it is unlocked.

"Wait, you saved his name under the name 'jerk'" she asks me disbelief in her tone. Even Alec has his eyebrows raised as if he is impressed with me. I stare at them before replying, "I was angry, okay?"

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