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[Mr. Matthews' History Class]

Everyone was back in class. Riley, Maya, Farkle, Zay, Smackle, Lucas and Callie. Riley and Maya were back on good terms. Callie wasn't speaking to Lucas, Lucas wasn't speaking to anyone...

"Today..." Mr. Matthews stood up from his seat to begin his lesson. On the chalkboard he wrote TODAY. "This word is always changing but can sometimes be the most important word you know. Riley?" Riley looked up at her father. "What's happening today for you?" She turned her head to look at Lucas, Zay and the rest of her friends. 

"A situation... Like every other day." Riley said smiling. 

Mr. Matthews nodded his head, "Mr. Babineaux...?" Zay looked over at Lucas, then at Riley and smiled at her. 

"A situation... Like every other day." Zay said nodding his head. 

Mr. Matthews nodded his head again, "Farkle?" Farkle smiled. 

"I'm fine Mr. Matthews." Farkle said shrugging his shoulders, oblivious to what was going on with his friends.

Mr. Matthews smiled, "Maya...?" Maya looked at Riley and smiled at her then at Lucas who wouldn't even look at her or anyone.

"I'm in between. Fine for some things, situations for others." Maya said doodling in her notebook.

Mr. Matthews looked at the entire class and smiled when he saw Callie, "Ms. Santos...?" Callie looked up to see Mr. Matthews right in front of her desk. 

"Yes?" Callie asked.

"What's happening today for you?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"Doesn't matter... Tomorrow will turn into today and today will turn into yesterday. Today will pass and turn into history. Maybe it won't the most important moment in history for the world but for someone, it could be a turning point for them." Callie looked around at the rest of the class. She wound up staring at Lucas. "Today doesn't matter for me. There was one day that was my turning point." Callie explained still looking at Lucas. "It was a little over two years ago, back in Texas." That grabbed Lucas' attention. He turned his head towards her. "You told me you were moving to New York." Callie said acting as though it was just her and Lucas talking and the class wasn't there. "You smiled when you said it but it wasn't a happy smile. It was that dumb, fake smile you used to always do when you were trying to control your anger and hide your real feelings." Callie started to chock on her words in between nervous chuckles and tears forming in her eyes. "I- I was so mad a-and so heartbroken that I told you w-we were done. I ran out of your living room and ran home to find my parents yelling at each other. That wasn't new to me but something was different that time. While they yelled at each other, I saw you as my dad and me as my mom, and I realized I was turning into someone I didn't want to be. So I went back to your place and you opened the door and I hugged you and-"

"You told me you loved me..." Lucas smiled as he interrupted Callie. "No matter where we were in the world, together or not, you would always love me." 

Callie smiled, "And you told me you loved me too." Callie snapped back to reality and realized that everyone was staring at her and Lucas. She took a breath and ran out of the classroom. 

Lucas raised his hand. "Sir?" 

Mr. Matthews nodded his head, "Go ahead Lucas." Lucas ran out after Callie.

[Empty Classroom]

Callie was sitting in the classroom where everything seemed to have started. She had her sketchbook and she was drawing birds flying out of a opened cage; for some reason that distracted her from what happened in history.

 She had her sketchbook and she was drawing birds flying out of a opened cage; for some reason that distracted her from what happened in history

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She was starting to calm down until Lucas walked in. 

"Go away Friar!" Callie didn't even look at him. She focused on her drawing. Lucas walked up to her and closed her sketchbook. "HEY!"

"What was that about?!" Lucas asked with his arms crossed. Callie avoided his eyes and didn't respond. "Callie?" Callie stared at the floor. Lucas lifted her chin with his fist. "Look at me..." Callie moved his fist from under her chin but kept eye contact. "What was that about? One day you're insulting me, next you're bringing up our past, what's next? Are you going to tell me something that will affect us?" Callie looked down at the floor. "Oh my god, you're going to tell me something that will affect us..." 

Callie licked her lips and pressed them together. "No, I'm not, because it doesn't mean anything. You're in love with Maya, and you're still figuring things out with Riley and Zay and everything else. I'm not going to add more bullshit to that."

"Callie? What happened?" Lucas asked concerned.

"It doesn't matter, ok? Just go back to class, I'll be fine." Callie tried to shake it off and open her sketchbook but Lucas grabbed her hand stopping her from doing that.

"Not until you tell me what happened. What? How bad can it be?" Callie bit her lower lip rubbed her face. Lucas' eyes widened with semi-realization. "Cal, do you still like me?"

Callie chuckled, "Why wouldn't I? You're one of my best friends. I told you I'd always love you, together or n-"

"Not that way Cal! 'Do you want to be with me?' kind of way..."

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