The End - Chapter Eighteen

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The old man got closer, and closer, until I could feel my heart beat faster. I was scared. I didn't know what would happen, and I didn't know what would. It was clear that I would end up dead after this day. He got closer and closer, until we had hardly any space between us. He brought the blade down on my body, and I shut my eyes, expecting a world of pain. There was a huge gasp from the crowd, yet somehow I did not feel pain. I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by a horrible sight.

Vath had taken the hit for me. The dead man had been impaled by the sword, right in the heart. He took the blade out effortlessly; and if he was alive, then he would be in a world of pain right this moment. Vath pointed the blade at the elderly drow.

"Touche, my dear." The old elf spoke to Vath, with such a cool attitude and with such grace and poise. "Get out." Vath spoke in such a cruel tone I had never heard him speak in before, I thought I was actually imagining it for a second.

"Oh, I will leave then." The old elf folded his arms, and began to walk to the altar. He let out a small laugh while doing so. "But first - a toast, to Vath. Always the best man, but never the groom." He laughed. "Tell me; can a heart still break even though it has stopped beating, my love?"

"LET ME AT HIM! LET ME AT HIM!" Bard screeched, but was stopped by Iaoda, the blind pale man with the giant beard. "Wait - we must abide under their rule. We are amongst the living" Iaoda explained to the crowd of angry undead, consisting of skeletons and pale life forms.

"Well said." The elf smirked, his gaze still on Vath. It was clear that Vath was uncomfortable and hurt by the elderly elf's words, but he still kept silent. The old elf put the glass to his lips....

And drank the wine of eternal slumber.

Everyone except Sara and the old elf knew exactly what was going to happen. I saw devilish smirks and heard small chuckles from a mile away. The old elf drained the entire glass and chucked it aside, walking over to the exit of the church. As soon as he touched the door handle, he grabbed his heart and choked, falling onto the ground.

"Not anymore..." Bard laughed. The old man turned around, and all of the colour had been drained from his face. His eyes were empty; soulless. His eyes were just like Vath's, only they were blue. "Yep, Bard is right. He is all yours." Iaoda informed the rest. All of the undead walked over to the old man, who had been poisoned from the Wine Of Eternal Slumber. They pounced on him, dragging him off.

"New arrival..." One of them chuckled, before all of them were gone in sight. We could still hear the echoes of the man's screams, while Sara whimpered and hid her face in my chest, not bearing to see what had happened. By this time, the only people in the church were me, Sara and Vath. But now that Vath's killer gotten the fate he had deserved, what would be of Vath? I didn't know what to think of what would happen next.

"O...oh, Izumi..." Sara smiled, hugging me. "I...I never thought I would see you again..." I looked down at Sara and hugged her back, looking deep into her gorgeous, shining eyes. We stayed there until I heard footsteps, making me wake up. It seemed as if Vath had attempted to leave the scene.

"Wait. I made a promise." I told Vath. Before he could reply...

"WAIT!" We all suddenly heard a voice, making us three turn around.

"Grandfather?!" Sara asked to the voice. So this was Sara's grandfather? "I thought you were dead! What happened to you?!" She rushed over to her grandfather, who looked like a drow, and wrapped him in a hug. "Oh Sara, you really should not run off like that." He smiled at her, patting her head. But all the colour drained from his face when he saw me and Vath standing at the top of the altar.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now