A Purple Butterfly Glistening In A Glass Cage- Chapter 1

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      Izumi Takari looked at the silver-purple butterfly trapped inside an old jam jar and started to slowly take out his sketchbook. He softly glanced at the pages one by one, looking at how far he improved every single time he placed a feathered pen on the construction paper.

     Izumi realised he was lost in his own thoughts again and shook himself of his troubles, glancing at the beautiful butterfly trapped in the jar. It was silver, with beautiful amethyst-purple wings. He could've swore it had a little amethyst too, but it possibly could've been his imagination.

          He gently took out his feathered quill pen and started to gently sketch his kidnapped insect. From left to right he let his pen explore the paper ever so gently as not to stab through the weak paper. He smiled at the insect trapped in the glass jar. When he had finally finished sketching his insect, he signed the page and closed his sketchbook.

        He rose from his old oak chair and danced around the room, giggling and laughing. Then, he looked toward his captured insect, and leaned forward to grab the handles of the window. It finally opened after thirty seconds of pushing, and he grinned. He pushed it the whole way and gripped the jar...

Then accidentally dropping it.

The butterfly flew out of the mess of shattered glass shards and made its way into the window unscathed. Izumi frowned at that.

If only I could be free, just like that...

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now