A Kiss Underneath The Stars - Chapter Fourteen

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I threw whatever I could at the doorknob. I tried so hard to get my door unlocked, but it was no use. No matter what I did, it still seemed to be standing in my way from getting to Izumi and stopping the wedding between him and my late great-uncle. 

All of a sudden my door unlocked and I rushed down to my sofa and sat down. My mother and father came in. "Marvellous news, Sara. There will be a wedding after all." Father told me, walking around my room. "You...you found him?" I smiled, full of glee. But my mother had to take that special moment away from me.

"Make haste my dear, get yourself beautiful. We must get you looking presentable for Lord Brenkington." Mother snapped at me. I was so shocked that my limbs turned off completely. "Roroth Brenkington?" I asked mother.

"He will make a fine husband. A far better one than that Izumi. " Mother replied sternly, putting her hands on her hips. "But mother, I do not love him..." I told her. "You cannot make me do this."

"We must." Father told me.
"Please, I beg of you." I pleaded, standing up and getting my strength back. "There must be another way."

"Without your marriage to Lord Brenkington we will be forced into the street." Father explained.
"B..but..." I mumbled.
"Izumi Takari is gone, child." Mother patted my back. "You shall marry Lord Brenkington tomorrow." Father replied. Then both of them walked out of my room. "ACCORDING TO PLAN!"


Finally, after a long day of walking I had made it to the observatory. I noticed that the roof was open, so someone must be inside. I slowly opened the door, going up the stairs to the top.

Halfway there, I could hear the sound of piano keys being pushed in a rhythm. I followed the sound until I made it to the top. When I made it to the top, the person who was playing turned out to be Vath. The strangest thing is; from behind, he looked like he was alive.

It must have been his hair, of course.

I slowly tiptoed closer to him, doing my best to make no sound while I got closer.
When I was right beside him, I began to attempt to converse with him.

"I.." I trailed off. I didn't know what to say at this moment. I don't know how many times I've broken this man's heart today, and I wouldn't like to know the number.

Still, Vath continued to ignore me and still played the same little tune on the piano. The exact same thirteen notes. I turned around and sighed. It looks like I failed.

I should be stronger than that.

I turned to face his back again. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lied to you about...wanting to meet my parents.." I told him. "It's just, this whole day hasn't gone quite...well... according to plan." I sat down beside him on the piano seat.

He began to play a different tune, making me look in his direction. I played the exact same tune, but the pitch was different due to the fact that I was on the other side of the piano.

Vath glared at my direction, and then played a different tune.

I played the exact same tune on my side.

He copied me, and ending the song.

I began to play a different melody, attempting to impress him with my skill. It failed, so I tried again. Vath sighed at my trying, and then joined in with my song. We both competitively grinned at eachother, trying to find out who was the better pianist.

It was all going so well for Vath, until his boned hand snapped off and began to play its way up the entire piano, ending on my wrist. I chuckled, and then it danced all over my arms.

"Pardon my enthusiasm..." Vath muttered, his cheeks going purple, possibly of embarrassment. "I like your enthusiasm." I smiled at him, giving him back his hand so he could reattach it again.

"I apologise for the things I said today. "I told him truthfully. "I wasn't in my right mind, the stress has gotten to me, I guess."

I quickly grabbed his hands together and held them in mine. "But it's been decided. I will marry you, no matter how much you say no." I told him.
Sara has probably already been married to someone else. It is our wedding day, after all, so Vath will be just as good.

"R...really?" Vath asked, tilting his head to the side. "But I do not understand, I thought you wanted to marry the young girl. Why would you pick a rotting corpse over a lady with such grace?" He looked downwards, with true sorrow in his expression.

I've broken him, haven't I?

I used one of my hands to cup his left cheek, turning his face over to mine. "I was wrong about you, that's why." I smiled, and leaned closer to him. He looked anxious, but he leaned closer also.

We were noses apart, when he leaned his head to the side and broke the space between us with a kiss. Our hands intertwined as we slowly gave eachother more and more love. I still remembered how his lips felt like ice, but for some reason I didn't mind at all. I broke free of his hands as I ran my fingers through his knee-length locks, just wanting to stay like this for the rest of my life.

And for some reason, I completely forgot about Sara, but she popped up in my mind the exact moment that Vath pulled away from our special moment. "I apologise for that, I just...I just remembered that the living need oxygen to survive." He mumbled, covering his hands with his mouth.

I stroked a strand of his hair again, still smiling at him. "Don't worry, my darling." I smiled. "Thank you for letting me live."

"W-wait what? 'Dar-" Vath attempted to speak.

I silenced him with a kiss. He pecked back, but it was only a small, ten second smooch. 

"I...um...okay...t..this is all moving quite...fast...." Vath stammered, putting his two index fingers together. "But it's what you wanted, right?" I cupped his face again.

He looked downwards again; but this time, he had a smile on his face. "Y-yes..." Vath nodded. I wrapped him up in a hug, putting his face into my chest.

"I...it has been so long since...someone has accepted me, and loved me not for my family's fortune...but for who I am..." Vath muttered, and began to cry in my chest. I rubbed his head, still moaning gently at the feel of his locks brushing against my hand. "It's going to be okay now, I'll be there for you..." I kissed his hair, pushing him out of my chest gently.

Vath stood up, wiping his tears. "I think it is time I showed you something." He told me, grabbing my hands to pull me up. "What is that, exactly?" I asked him.

"My room." He let out a sadistic smirk.

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now